Coffee Jerks

Coffee Jerks

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  1. I can’t really get behind the coffee shaming, but coffee in that era *was* bad, and is why, still to this day, people abroad think American coffee is crap.

    The height of technology was electric percolators, which, urk…if you’ve had the displeasure, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

    These were likely commercials for instant coffee, which should tell you everything: if instant coffee is better than what’s coming out of your coffee pot, something is seriously wrong.

  2. Ezekiel 18-2: *”The parents have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge”.*

    Thanks a lot grandpa, now we all gotta deal with these crazy femenazi cunts because of you.

  3. I find the women portrayed in these movies amazing. They respond back with politeness no matter what. Perhaps this is why we always see women as angels when there’s a fight happening between a guy and a girl and we instinctively take the girl’s side.


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