Is Organic Food Worse For You?

Should you be eating organic food?

Written by Amanda Edward, Rachel Salt, Greg Brown, and Mitchell Moffit


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Comment (35)

  1. all of you reading and watching this video don't listen! the govern has subsidized the agriculture dept with million of dollars to cheat us and lie to us. telling us sugar is good for us. they are feeding us poisonous food. if you have a smart gene on you you'll do your own research and stop listening to Monsanto ! The Food and drug administration is being ruined by former Monsanto employees. all research done that states organic food is bad and GMOs aren't dangerous are paid for by Monsanto. research other research results. 
    yes,  they can use pesticides but they don't use roundup thats why bees are dying. 

    it still amazes me the amount of people who believe the bs ! wow! 
    i dare you to watch fed up and many other documentaries. you'll lbe surprised.

  2. I don't like organic food. Here's why:

    A study showed that most organic foods are made from organs.

    Organs make noises that I don't like.

    A homophone for I is Eye.

    An eye can be considered an organ.

    There are 2 definitions of organ.

    Guess what else has 2 in it? That's right. Pairs.

    A homophone for pair is pear.

    Pears can be made organically.

    The word Pair has 2 homophones.

    2 + 2 = 4.

    The number four has 1 line that intersects with another one.

    2 + 2 + 1 = 5.

    5 is an odd number.

    There are 3 letters in the word "odd".

    There are 3 sides of a triangle.

    Triangles are Illuminati.


  3. This video is highly misleading. Those negative stats on organic foods are superficially presented and not in depth in any way whatsoever. Most people have not and will not go out of their way to compare organic foods and conventionally treated foods. So no matter how many "surveys" there are, basically people will only know how organic food measures up from hearing from someone else and not their own experience.

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  5. Although there was some good points brought up, you missed the target by at least 1,000 miles. Its less about the conveniences of farming and the studies lacking in credibility or just not being held long enough with 100% organic diets with enough people. BUT more so what nutrients GMO foods are lacking. We know the pesticides are dangerous whether natural or not, that hormones being injected and livestock having a gmo grain feed vs a natural grass feed changes their biochemical make up even at end product. But what about the missing nutrients, even organic is missing nutrients because the soil is not the same. I think a lot of people are sick because of the missing phytonutrients that we have relied on for the entire length of the human race to keep us less inflamed and able to fight off disease and illness.

  6. I've heard a lot about the 200 and something studies that say there really is no difference in organic food nutrients and regularly produced foods. It's not about which one is more nutritious, it's about how harmful chemicals are in one compared to the other.

  7. Find all this funny thou. Only when GMOs, pesticides etc sprayed all over our foods we have cancer obesity, people allergic to gluten products. once the between 1950s- 2000 all these diseases were suddenly came out of no where .

  8. I didn't see anything great in the form of science in this video. Did he even address GMO? Wouldn't be surprised if the video was sponsored by anti organic agribusiness or perhaps just made by pretentious "scientific" douchebags

  9. Funny misleading title for a not so bad video.  🙂
    It's true that organic can mean different things, but that should not keep us from eating as close to nature as possible, i.e. without chemical residues or any other harmful substance.

  10. Yes the organics part is right with not being much healthier and having a smaller crop yield etc.
    BUT you completely skimmed over the fact that 'conventional' crops (generally) use even worse pesticides, they destroy the soil by over planting it, they use gmos that are Unhealthy and if you move on to animals the amount of antibiotics they are given is causing people to become immune to the antibiotics pathing the way to superbugs, and don't get me started on the water contamination
    Yes conventional may be able to feed more people but if we stopped wasting huge amounts and if shops stop throwing out "waste" we would have enough for everyone even with organic food
    I can even accept not 100% organic farming as long as we have more environmentally and healthier ways to grow food sustainability ?


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