

Here is a video I made showing off Gunpey a completely under rated game that deserved much more attention then it received. In fact good ol IGN gave it a terrible review while giving the DS version http://ds.ign.com/objects/839/839709.html#reviews a much better review. Now I understand why they gave the DS version a better rating and […]

Tom Clancy’s The Division – E3 Gameplay

A devastating pandemic sweeps through New York City, and one by one, basic services fail. In only days, without food or water, society collapses into chaos. The Division, a classified unit of self-supported tactical agents, is activated. Leading seemingly ordinary lives among us, The Division agents are trained to operate independently of command, as all […]

Playstation branding idents

I designed & directed these branding idents for Playstation in collaboration with the consistently excellent people at Studio Output and Mainframe. The first phase consisted of 30 different end frames for displaying every conceivable combination of hardware and games packaging in various colourways. Likes: 8 Viewed: 600 source

LvLUp TV Short-Review God of War 3

Eines wohl der gelungensten Short-Reviews hier handelt es sich sogar noch um eine der “Directors Cut” Schnittversionen welche so damals nie im VoD von LvLUp.TV veröffentlicht wurde. Es gab noch eine krassere Variante aber die ersparen wir euch erstmal 😉 Somit viel Spass mit diesem Meisterstück unter den damaligen Short-Reviews. MfG, Die (ehemalige) Game-TV/LvLUp.TV Crew […]

Video & Games #3 (1994)

Tercer VHS de la videorevista Video&Games publicado en Diciembre de 1994 y presentado por Fernando Sendino en el que muestran la Mega Drive 32X incluido el Doom, previews para MD32X y Super Nintendo, especiales de Earthworm Jim para SNES y de Road Rash para 3DO, cómo se hicieron los anuncios de Nintendo con Carlos Sainz […]

Sony – Playstation Move Trailer

Eric Escobar gets gamers into the action with this launch video for Sony’s new Playstation Move controller. Two day shoot, live action with CGI and 3D modeling by Core Studio (www.corestudio.com). Edited at Kontent Films. To get the latest from our SF award-winning faction of indie commercial hyphenates: Facebook: Twitter: http://twitter.com/kontentfilms Instagram: http://instagram.com/kontentfilms Youtube: http://youtube.com/kontentfilms […]