
LvLUp TV Short-Review God of War 3

Eines wohl der gelungensten Short-Reviews hier handelt es sich sogar noch um eine der “Directors Cut” Schnittversionen welche so damals nie im VoD von LvLUp.TV veröffentlicht wurde. Es gab noch eine krassere Variante aber die ersparen wir euch erstmal 😉 Somit viel Spass mit diesem Meisterstück unter den damaligen Short-Reviews. MfG, Die (ehemalige) Game-TV/LvLUp.TV Crew […]

“Story Trailer” Killzone 3 – Sony Playstation / Guerrilla Games

STORY TRAILER Promotional trailer featuring in-game cinematics produced by thirtysevenclick for Sony Playstation and Guerrilla Games. CLIENT: Sony Playstation / Guerrilla Games TITLE: “Story Trailer” DIRECTOR: Jim Sonzero ART DIRECTOR: Jan Bart Van Beek CINEMATICS PRODUCER: thirtysevenclick CAMERA: Pablo Chavez FORMAT: In-Game Cinematics Likes: 7 Viewed: 665 source

The Reboot: NFL Tour Review

The NFL season may be over, but football gamers can still get their pigskin fix with EA Sports Big’s NFL Tour for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. The game replaces the popular NFL Street series and features arcade-style play, huge hits and wall climbs. In this episode of The Reboot, host Rio Pesino gives […]

Dinky Reviews: Darksiders II

Darksiders II is an action adventure role-playing video game developed by Vigil Games and published by THQ. It is the sequel to Darksiders and was released in August 2012 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows, and Wii U. Likes: 0 Viewed: source

Killzone 2 and 3 – Animation Reel

This is a small selection of my work I did on Killzone 2 and 3 for the Sony Playstation. On Killzone 2 I did a lot of keyframe for 3rd person and facial cutscene animations, while on Killzone 3 I was mostly responsible for all the 1st person animations and setting up mechanics, as well […]