Furniture Rain

3 Camera Used: Canon Xl1s Music By: PlayRadioPlay! Likes: 3 Viewed: 396

Herman Miller Quality

340 This short video offers a rare glimpse into the details and production at Herman Miller. Focusing specifically on the Eames Lounge and Ottoman, the video not only shares a visual account of the construction of the chair in Zeeland, MI, but narrates the process with an exploration of the ethos of Herman Miller design. […]

Tomato Sauce – You Suck at Cooking (episode 59)

Subscribe: Snapchat: @yousuckatcookin Tomato sauce. It’s red. It’s hot. It tastes like tomatoes and other stuff combined together and then cooked. YUM. Chop up some garlic and an onion (or skip the onion) Saute that stuff in olive oil Add in a can of diced tomatoes or real ones Cook it for a while and […]