Dinky Reviews: Darksiders II

http://www.dinkyco.com/ Darksiders II is an action adventure role-playing video game developed by Vigil Games and published by THQ. It is the sequel to Darksiders and was released in August 2012 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows, and Wii U. Likes: 0 Viewed: source

E3: More Than Games

As one of the world’s biggest video game trade shows, what more does E3 have to offer than just games? Whilst on the show floor we asked a number of people to share their thoughts on what makes E3 so special. www.collectivevisual.com Twitter: @CollectiVisual Likes: 18 Viewed: 8080 source

Games to watch 034 Games to watch #34: Gamesters U

Woohoo! «Gamester.tv»-Chefredaktor Raphael testete in Frankfurt ausgiebig die Wii und zahlreiche Starttitel der neuen Nintendo Konsole. In einem XXL-Bericht zeigen wir Euch das Beste daraus. Während Raphaels Abwesenheit wurden die anderen Redaktionsmitglieder überrascht von dem grössten Handheld-Gerät aller Zeiten – 3DS-XL. Nintendos portables Monster nehmen wir in der 34. Ausgabe von «Games to watch» ebenfalls […]

Northeastern Gaming – Nintendo Month

Heather and Matt give us the low down on Wii’s new console the Wii U and 3DS. Real Talk goes to the streets, asking fans what their favorite Retro games are. Misty and Stacie pump us up for upcoming games, especially Kid Icarus: Uprising. Likes: 2 Viewed: 95 source

Top Ten Best Meal Recipes in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has thousands if not millions of recipes, but which are the best recipes in the game? Alex has been doing an awful lot of cooking and has come up with ten that he thinks will knock your socks off. Check out our full site ■ Like us […]