The late great Stevie Ray Vaughan playing Jimi Hendrix’s “Voodoo Child” is one of the most badass covers I’ve ever heard

The late great Stevie Ray Vaughan playing Jimi Hendrix’s “Voodoo Child” is one of the most badass covers I’ve ever heard

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  1. He was amazing, his technical skill was out of this world.. my dad feed me his music to me growing uo. Went to blues festivals all over Europe with him as a child.. and still go my self. Not knowing who they were, I’ve seen some pretty awsome but now dead legends.

  2. I remember seeing SRV on one of Letterman’s anniversary shows on NBC, but I’d never really heard any of his stuff until he died. The night after he died, they played a live version of Voodoo Child on the radio, and I was blown away. Hooked forever after that.

  3. he’s a great technician but his voice has zero character and his playing always strikes me as too florid and mechanical. I always admire his ability but it feels soulless especially in this case when you can compare it to Jimi’s version which is raw and organic and just happens without thought.

  4. Stevie Ray Vaughan is a god, but you could tell he wasn’t feeling the groove for this take, especially when it came to his improvisation. The first improv after the verse and chorus was small and he played the rhythm for most of it, and then at the end he didn’t really go anywhere with the solo, just bouncing around the same lick.

    If you really wanna see this man in the groove watch this take of [Lenny](, phenomenal.

  5. There are certain musicians that I could just sit and watch play all day. SRV was is one of them. Every note comes over on his facial expressions and body movement in the form of pain, lust, loss, exhilaration.

    Even Jimi would be blown away.

  6. I saw SRV in 1989 and met him after the gig. Wasn’t long before he died and he was just starting to get himself together again. He completely blew me away, even in a fairly small venue he put everything into the performance and took time to talk to fans and sign autographs.


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