TV Series | Cao Cao 02 曹操 | Real History of The Three Kingdoms HD

Synopsis: New Chinese Drama “Cao Cao 曹操” is not like the Romance of The Three Kingdoms, but based on the Real History of Three Kingdoms in Eastern Han Dynasty. Cao Cao, a warlord who rose to power towards the end of the Eastern Han dynasty and laid the foundation for the state of Cao Wei in the Three Kingdoms period. The series aimed to portray a more historically accurate image of Cao Cao, who is traditionally depicted as a villain in Chinese culture.

故事简介:电视剧《 #曹操 Cao Cao》不同于 #三国演义,而是根据真实三国历史 #三国志 改编。讲述: 年轻的曹操为挽救危机四伏的大汉帝国,用重典整肃民风吏治。然而,外戚宦官当道,诸侯各自为政。董卓进京,挟帝谋逆。曹操刺杀董卓,未果。遁逃走中牟,为县吏所擒。县吏感其正义,放走曹操,曹操遂招兵买马,于陈留起兵讨卓。讨卓失败后,曹操招募家乡子弟兵,得精骑数十万人。获悉汉帝蒙难,他采纳谋士荀彧建议,将献帝迎至许昌,建为国都。此后数十年,曹操挟天子以令不臣,征袁术,擒吕布,灭袁绍,伐刘表,逐乌丸,降公孙康,剿韩遂,除马腾,讨刘备,击孙权。曹操在征伐孙权的赤壁大战中失利,此后,他着手巩固中国北方地区的政治局势,公元220年,曹操带着他未能实现统一中国的梦想,憾然离世。

第二部分(07-12集):黄巾之乱 剿灭宦党

Part 1: Hero of Chaos (Ep1– Ep6)
—-Covers Cao Cao’s adolescent years and his early career in the service of the Han imperial court.
Part 2: Decline of the Han Dynasty (Ep7– Ep12)
—-Covers Cao Cao’s involvement in helping to suppress the Yellow Turban Rebellion and the chaotic political scene after the death of Emperor Ling.
Part 3: Defeating Dong Zhuo (Ep13–Ep21)
—-Covers Cao Cao’s participation in the Campaign against Dong Zhuo.
Part 4: Supporting Emperor Xian (Ep21– Ep26)
—-Covers Cao Cao’s battles against the Heishan Bandits, Tao Qian and Lü Bu, and his role in supporting Emperor Xian and establishing the new Han imperial capital in Xuchang.
Part 5: Lü Bu’s Downfall (Ep27– Ep32)
—-Covers the battles of Wancheng (against Zhang Xiu) and Xiapi (against Lü Bu).
Part 6: Battle of Guandu (Ep33– Ep38)
—-Covers the Battle of Guandu between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao.
Part 7: Before Red Cliffs (Ep39– Ep41)
—-Covers Cao Cao’s battles against Yuan Shao’s heirs and his campaign to unify northern China.

出品 Studio: 电广传媒 Hunan TV & Broadcast Intermediary
导演 Director: 胡玫 Hu Mei
主演 Starring: 赵立新Zhao Lixin, 古巨基 Ku Kui Kei, Leo Ku, 孙洪涛 Sun Hongtao, 龚洁 Gong Jie, 张玉洁 Zhang Yujie, 韩雪 Han Xue
题材 Genres: 历史 Chinese History, 战争 #War, 古装 Ancient Costume
集数 Episodes: 41
年代 Year: 2015

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