Why we cook food in oil

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Comment (41)

  1. I only see a one who don't know how to cook .
    God , cut it in difference shapes , if you don't have oil , cut the veg in thinner shape with low heat to make sure it soft then use high heat to create burn
    and water , season the water first , that's how you cook with water , it make the food soft and well season with out the sugar got burn with oil
    the tittle is cook , not fry

  2. Oil prevents food from sticking because the oil coating the surface prevents the food from making direct contact with the cooking surface. The food is not touching the pan anymore. It is the same idea as putting flour on a surface when rolling dough to prevent the dough from sticking.

  3. The best way to make pancakes: fry the bacon in the skillet first, or have a jar of rendered bacon fat nearbye. Best farmer’s breakfast ever ^-^

  4. A rather long comment about IR Camera:
    The amount of infrared that's radiated from an object depends on two factors: surface material and temperature. So you can have two different objects at the same temperature that look different under the IR camera.
    The shiny metallic objects generally speaking look "colder" under IR cameras.

    For example, if you compare 2:00 (pan covered with oil) to 2:57 (no oil on the pan, just the steel surface), the oil-covered pan looks hotter, but it doesn't mean that its temperature is necessarily higher than the dry pan. (The comment made at 2:57 "overall heat of the food is lower" was really bothering me)

    A better example to demonstrate this effect is at 4:15.
    Before water is added to the pan, the pan looks purple. When water is added, then it starts to look orange/yellow, which is a color for "hotter" temperatures, even though there is no way that the water is hotter than the pan. It's just that water is better at radiating infrared than the surface of the pan.

    How much energy a surface radiates is called emissivity. All materials/surfaces have an emissivity between 0 to 1: Zero means no radiation, and 1 means maximum radiation, equal to an "ideal black surface".

    For example, polished Aluminum foil or polished silver have emissivity values under 0.05, but pure water has an emissivity of 0.96. This means that if we have some water, and foil at the same temperature, water radiates ~20 times or more IR than the foil does.

    Oh, one more thing! The emissivity of a surface correlates with how much radiation can a surface absorb (called Absorotivity)! In the same way that things painted black or darker colors can get hotter under the sunlight (compared to shiny objects or lighter colored ones), the darker objects radiate more energy compared to the lighter objects when they are at the same temperature.

  5. I found your channel because I wanted to know how to use my whetstone, and now I find myself getting into the science behind cooking and actually knowing what I'm doing in the kitchen and why… Not a bad development 😉

    It looks like you're using extra virgin olive oil for cooking? Isn't that a big no no because of low evaporation temperature?

  6. meat can be cooked without oil, but there are two pre-requisites in my experience,
    one is to start the cooking process cold, which is to say place your meat in the pan before the pan is hot, this gives the fat time to render out before the meat has a chance to stick to the bare metal, and two it doesn't work with lean cuts and or stuff you don't want to cook a long time, something like beef is usually served medium and the low slow start in this method won't work for that.

  7. since in a pan the oil acts as a thermal interface as you said to cook the food evenly all over. this is because the heat source is the pans surface. which has a limited contact zone of cooking.

    but in the oven the heat source is the air, not the oven tray surface. the food is being cooked by the hot air.

    the air and light itself is acting as the thermal interface aka oil, and not surface contact with the pan. and the air is acting similarly to oil, and getting and making contact with all parts of the food.

    this is most likely why in the oven. the oil isn't making as much of a difference.

  8. Actually the viscosity of cooking oil is incredibly low at cooking temperatures.
    Olive oil is about 60 cps at room temperature but only about 3 cps at cooking temperature.
    For reference water is 1 cps at room temperature.

  9. Concerning raw dough in the pan: I noticed that when I put raw dough into my cast-iron pan, it becomes bread, just like the one you showed; when I put oil in first, the dough sticks to the pan like hell and I have to scrape it off before it burns. Anyone got an idea why that happens in a cast-iron pan?


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