BABY LED WEANING: First Food Ideas

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Previous Baby Led Weaning videos:
BABY LED WEANING (BLW) Progression: 6-10 Months! –
What is BABY LED WEANING? 4 Tips for BLW! –

In this video, I’m gonna share with you some great first food ideas to introduce to your baby.

1. Buy organic when possible.
2. Offer fresh fruits and soft steamed vegetables such as soft ripe fruit like pears, peaches, avocados or mangos.
3. Use a crinkle knife to cut food –
4. Steam veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes and squash.
5. Serve bigger sized pieces of food.
6. Avoid honey, any foods that your family has a history of sensitivity to such as eggs or nuts, any foods with too much salt or sugar, any processed or unhealthy foods of course.
7. Cut in half any foods with a round or cylinder shape like grapes to prevent a choking hazard.

How often should my baby eat?
Follow your baby’s cues. We started by offering food once a day at 6 months and then gradually increased. By around 9 months old she started to eat 3 meals a day, plus snacks.

Any fruits that begin with a “P” such as pears, peaches or plums are helpful for constipation. We also started adding some infant probiotic mixed into her breast milk or water for healthy bacteria.

Highly recommend:
Baby Led Weaning by Gil Rapley –
Dr Seuss Bib –
High Chair Booster Seat –
Baby Led Weaning Spoons –
Wipeable Bib –
Baby Led Weaning Nonslip Mat –

Check out our other previous videos!
DIY 1st Birthday SMASH Cake –
DIY 1st BIRTHDAY Chalkboard –
How to pump breast milk at work! –
What’s in my PUMP BAG –
5 TIPS for breastfeeding in public –

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