
TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE | Official Trailer | Netflix

After nearly 50 years of hiding, Leatherface returns to terrorize a group of idealistic young friends who accidentally disrupt his carefully shielded world in a remote Texas town. Based on characters created by Kim Henkel and Tobe Hooper. Story by Fede Álvarez & Rodo Sayagues. Screenplay by Chris Thomas Devlin. Directed by David Blue Garcia. […]

Slasher (TV Series) | Teaser

Die erste Geschichte der Anthologieserie „Slasher“ handelt von einer jungen Frau, die in ihre Heimatstadt zurückkehrt, wo sie ins Zentrum einer Serie von Morden rückt. Morde, welche die grausame Tötung ihrer Eltern nachstellen. Jetzt auch mit deutschem Untertiteln. Slasher is an upcoming American television drama-anthology series starring Katie McGrath. Slasher is the first own-produced series […]