This $4,000 Scam Backfired – They Think I Spent It All

This $4,000 Scam Backfired – They Think I Spent It All

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  1. “I’m never dressed on Wednesdays.”

    “Why are you never dressed on Wednesdays?”

    “That’s when the birds come by.”


    I’m **DEAD**

  2. Holy shit, usually these are tiring for me after watching a ton, but it gets pretty amazing around 18:50 when he’s straight up reciting he’s OK with her losing her job, and asks her how it feels not being valued as a human.

  3. Truly talented and wholesome individual, highly recommend watching his stream. It’s always a combination of hilarious and incredibly frustrating listening to the scammer’s stupidity.


  4. As a Hindi, speaker, the background chatter was quite entertaining, “Amanda” seemed to understand pretty well… she was saying things like “OMG she actually bought it”, “this lady is crazy she goes naked to feed the pigeons” etc

  5. I know it’s a good thing, but for some reason it really irks me how bad they are at acting that the “transfer” was for the wrong amount

  6. I got a couple of calls last week saying they were from the Social Security Administration, saying that my account was in jeopardy. I listened for a minute and hung up. I should have messed with them , but I didn’t have the time.


    They will send you a letter by US Mail. Which I never got.

  7. Thanks for the laughs,. This granny guy is great, I also like Scammer Revolts on YouTube, he deletes scammers files or syskeys their computers. There was one time when he got into their account and refunded many previous victims. These guys are legends.

  8. Are there any of these phone scammers that aren’t Indians?

    This shit is funny, but as someone that works in IT it still makes me fucking sick. Wish these people would try harder to shut these companies down instead of just playing with them on Twitch.


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