10 Dishes That Will Revolutionize Your Weekly Menu

10 Quick Chicken Dinners For Busy Nights ⬇️ RECIPE LINKS BELOW ⬇️ Chicken is probably the most preferred meat out there, given that it’s low in fat, high in protein, and absolutely delicious. Another great benefit of chicken is that it’s so versatile, meaning you can make any possible meal under the sun with it. And while we’ve made plenty of chicken dishes in our day, these are our top 10 fast & easy recipes for busy people on the go.

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1. Béchamel Chicken:

There’s something about a real bolognese lasagna that’s unforgettable. The combination of a hearty meat sauce with the buttery smoothness of the traditional white béchamel sauce – it’s one of those simple but perfect flavor marriages that makes Bologna one of the food capitals of the world. However, before you attempt the culinary Mount Everest of the lasagna, we recommend you practice those sauce skills. And wouldn’t you know it? This baked chicken dish is just the trick.

2. Chicken Avocado Fiesta Salad:

The avocado is very trendy, with one reason being that it’s very healthy thanks to its many unsaturated fatty acids. But avocado toast is so boring, and indeed the berry (yes, the avocado belongs to the berry family!) is more versatile than many believe, so why not try a refreshing avocado salad? You’ll love it even more after seeing it’s served in an edible tortilla bowl!

3. Chicken & Spinach In A Lemon Sauce:

If Popeye the Sailor Man were to cook dinner for his beloved Olive Oyl, this dish would certainly be at the top of his list. Simple and satisfying, the following recipe offers a delicious new way to serve chicken breasts. The best part? Popeye’s favorite superfood is included. Ahoy!

4. Oven-Roasted Chicken & Vegetables:

As they like to think they’re the main attraction, chicken breast filets are usually kept apart from their accompaniments on the plate. But if you find this too boring and are in the mood for more than just one or two veggie sides, you should give our oven-roasted vegetable dish with chicken recipe a try!

5. Cheesy Chicken Parmesan:

Some people will have you think that the three most important words in the English language are: “I love you.” Wrong. They’re actually: “Stuffed with cheese.” This cordon bleu meets schnitzel meets chicken parmigiana dish is the recipe you’ve been waiting for your entire life, and it’s entirely possible you’ll find yourself uttering those other three little words to your plate once this comes out of the oven.

6. Hainanese Chicken Rice With 3 Sauces:

Looking to make a yummy chicken and rice meal, but uncertain when it comes to flavor? Well, now there’s no need to labor over various options. With this Asian-inspired recipe idea, dinner is served with three delicious sauces! The best part? You’ll need little more than one frying pan.

7. Caprese Hasselback Chicken:

A nice, light Italian dish is the perfect addition to any potluck, BBQ, or dinner party, and Caprese salad certainly delivers. Tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil perfectly complement each other, but there’s always room to grow, and so we dared to experiment with the “Holy Trinity” of the culinary world.  Stuff your fresh ingredients into a chicken breast, drizzle some olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and pesto over the top, and you’re good to go!

8. Chicken Pasta Pomodoro:

In its homeland, pasta is usually served as a first course and followed by a heartier dish as the main course. But in the rest of the world, pasta has become a popular meal. And why not? It’s easy to prepare and can be combined with all sorts of different sauces and toppings to create a vast array of tasty meals. For this recipe, however, we’re going back to basics with a classic tomato topping and adding something a little different!

9. Spinach-Stuffed Hasselback Chicken:

Flavor is important, but creativity and experimentation shouldn’t be underestimated. Unfortunately, many people fall into a rut in the kitchen and end up making the same old dishes time after time. Some of us tend to forget that there’s a whole world of amazing culinary ideas and exotic flavors out there and its just begging to be explored. With this in mind, we’ve taken a simple chicken breast and done something quite exciting with it.

10. Parmesan Chicken In A Creamy Tomato & Mushroom Sauce:

When it comes to conjuring up creative, tasty meals from a simple chicken breast, the possibilities are endless. So here’s more proof from the Scrumdiddlyumptious kitchen! As you can see, it’s very easy to prepare some really tasty meals with minimal effort!

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Comment (50)

  1. Am I the only one noticing that half of what is made is plated completely wrong. Correction is not the same thing they made. 🤔 then its a different plate when cutting. Fail!!!

  2. There was one there that was with chicken with cream cheese that looked really good. I wish I liked chicken with marinara sauce and cheese all over it. But I've just never been able to get into it like some people can. But there are some delicious looking things here. Thank you so much

  3. I have finally figured out why my cooking is not as inventive as this. I am right handed. I need to be left-handed to get myself together. But I hurt my right shoulder some and now I'm trying to learn how to vacuum left-handed. Which takes forever if you are right handed. So y'all have a good memorial day weekend it's now 2021.

  4. This should’ve been called 'Chicken breast recipes'. They look great, but… To be honest, chicken, avocado, corn on the cob, and cheese are all quite expensive where I live, so it’s not practical as 'weekly recipes'.

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