5 Food Items That Soon Will Disappear (That You'll Want)

Certain food items will soon either be too expensive or no longer available. In this video, we’ll cover 5 you can soon anticipate becoming scarce and what to do. Download the Start Preparing! Survival Guide here: – start your preparedness journey:

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Comment (24)

  1. I appreciate the way you explain what prepping is about. For too long people thought it was all a bunch of crazies hoarding food and supplies. It's about have food and supplies until it's either back on shelves or alternatives are found and not relying on someone else.

  2. Are you suppose to be helping people, or scaring them. Your title says you are scaring them,. What say you? If you have the wherewithal to have 813k subscribers, I know you have it to attract them to your videos without scare tactics. Thank you.

  3. With this beautifully large wonderful country that the good Lord has provided for us, there is no excuse whatso ever for a shortage of anything. Quarenteen on one side of the country during disease and grow more on the other side of the country. We ha e more than enough space in this country to find an answer to food problems. We should have next to none.

  4. Very important to include links to USDA canning recommendations, if there are inexperienced canners out there, and they go just by your commentary it could cost them their health. Follow only approved canning methods!

  5. You mentioned that you didn't think it made a difference whether to pressure can or water bath can. I can tell you that pressure canning gives a much tighter seal and a much longer shelf life. The only things that do really well long term w/a water bath seal are acid items like tomatoes.

  6. I scrounge used Igloo/Coleman coolers wherever I can. Take them home, clean them well, and then sanitize them. Then I put in a large garbage bag and fill it with food. Each cooler has a mix of rice, beans, flour, salt, brown and white sugar, etc. Each is a self contained survival cache that can be taken/given away in a hurry. DO NOT store only one type of food in each cooler. Limits your options.

  7. Isn't it this sort of idea that had people stockpiling toilet rolls ? The shortage was created by the panic buying nothing else.
    The amount of food produced everywhere is based on supply and demand so take as you say Americans consuming 2 million chickens a day so the industry produces 2 million and it people start eating more of less chicken the industry changes its production. However if you persuade people to buy massive amounts to stockpile so that the demand is suddenly 4 million a day then there will be a shortage caused by the people stockpiling and NOT by a shortage as you try to make out. A self made crisis if you wish !

  8. I did my first prep shop last month, and am just about to harvest some of my home grown veggies. I’m saving seeds where I can for next year, and planning on getting some chickens for eggs shortly. I am dairy allergic and gluten intolerant / possibly celiac (sister is so I’ve a 50% chance of being so too) so milk/ wheat products we can do without. I’ve recently bought a dehydrator and am getting a wood burner fitted next month in case of fuel cuts too.

  9. It doesn't seem feasible to grow vegetables because here in Idaho, there aren't any shortages, and a giant bag of carrots is extremely cheap so the time involved in growing and the water it takes doesn't seem feasible. Find a large bag of carrots and processing them either dehydrating or canning seems To be better. Takes only an hour to can a couple of bags of carrots whereas it takes a whole season to grow them just so you can get out maybe one bag worth, unless you have a plot of land. (Time for planting, growing 1 1/2 months, watering, and harvesting, then processing.

  10. Unfortunately, your replacement theory on eggs only goes so far. You cannot put bananas in a dinner quiche to replace the eggs or in many savory foods, not sweet like banana bread

  11. I don't know why I started putting food away. I bought one of those 30 day food supply buckets. Then I started a garden and freezing and canning own veggies. This was in 2019. I am canning meats also now. Made dog food from garden scraps and old meat in the freezer. Canning charro beans and posole tomorrow.

  12. I read about this horrendous practice this morning! I’ve been so upset, I never realised such a cruel practice existed. I just can’t get my head around the horror that the poor cows suffer. I’m glad I’m a vegetarian!!!!!!!!

  13. I have a huge oak tree take acorns pop off the little cap soak overnight n water drain n repeat again. Put acorns on towels to dry thoroughly mash into powder voila organic flour that u can make anything with that u can make store bought flour with

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