5 Tasty Noodle Recipes

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Comment (29)

  1. i have a recipe for y'all!

    cook your noodles.
    add chopped garlic to your pan of vegetable oil. (1/2 – 1 tbspn of oil).
    in a small cup, pour the water you cooked your noodles with and add 1 tbspn of soy sauce.
    Once the garlic is brown, add the soy sauce/water and then add chili flakes according to your spice level.
    When it starts simmering, add your noodles seasoning packet. let it simmer once again.
    once it simmers, add your noddles in and let it simmer once again.

    This seems like a long, so much of a hard work recipe, but it may seem like it because of the way i wrote it.
    the ingredients are garlic, soysauce, chiliflakes and water.

    Please try this if you want and let me know how it was.

  2. It kills me to see people chop tofu and mix it right in the bowl. Sear that sh*t with some seasonings first! Plain tofu is not good unless it cooks a really long time in the broth

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