$85+ bike lock cut in 2 seconds

$85+ bike lock cut in 2 seconds

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  1. Had a bike stolen that had a bike lock on it. So I went to the hardware store. bought 3 feet of heavy chain and a big padlock.

    Less expensive than a “bike lock” and much more difficult for someone to break.

    Only downside (or upside?) Is having to carry around a big ass chain everywhere. And it can scratch the bike finish. But still. Better than having my bike stolen again.

  2. Lock industry seems to yield so much profit for minimal effort. 99% of these locks are made in China(or anywhere) from cheap materials. Slap a logo throw in some buzzwords and you have a super profitable product.

    IB4 honest people, power tools, etc. NO. If youre gonna make a lock thats no better than 5$ walmart lock you’re a greedy lying asshole.

  3. I have been seeing the Lock picking Lawyer more and more on Reddit. I imagine people enjoy it as much as I do to see those scammy lock companies get a serious review.

  4. Most chain locks can be beaten with cutters. They’re also heavy, and annoying to carry. However, it’s harder to carry around bolt cutters without looking super suspicious. If they have a good pair of bolt cutters, they’re looking to steal, they have ability to steal, and they are *going* to steal.

    Most “U” bike locks can be beaten with a strong stick, pipe, peice of rebar, or bolt cutters. They’re pretty heavy and can be annoying to carry around. They can prevent people who are intent on stealing, but are still pretty opportunitistic – they’re picking up nearby tools that they can ditch quickly.

    This style of lock is light and can be beaten with much smaller tools that can fit in a pocket. They’re really only for preventing opportunitistic thieves (people who just jump on an unlocked bike and ride away).

    Really, if someone wants your bike and it’s outside, they can get your bike. There’s not much you can do about it. The saying is: “a thread can bind an honest man better than a chain can bind a rogue.”

    If the lock is cheaper/lighter, that’s a valid reason for using it. Obviously scale it up depending on how much risk you’re willing to take – a high-end racing bike may warrant enough protection to deter all but a dedicated thief (but that’ll come with GPS trackers, nice locks, and other security features, like not leaving it outside).

  5. I had one of those for all of 3 months. The lock broke on its own without any tools necessary!

    When I contacted the company they told me it was “user error” and the best they could give me was a coupon to buy another.

    Crappy lock, crappy company.

  6. Lol Kevlar is bullet resistant, not knife resistant. You can stab someone wearing a Kevlar vest. Maybe this lock combats thieves who shoot locks.

  7. My mom had this friend who was super rich, anyways we were about have burgers and realized he didn’t have any cheese so I volunteered to bike up and buy some from a nearby king supers. He said I could use his pedal assisted (snow) mountain bike to ride up there. Before I left I asked for a lock, and he gave me this lock. When I got to king supers I looked up the bike and realized it’s a $3500 bike, and I was worried to lock it up with something that seemed like a zip tie. Everything ended up being fine and I got the cheese, just crazy to me anyone would trust locking up a bike with this, let alone a electric bike.

  8. Back when I had to keep my bike outside I had to come to terms with basically all locks being unsafe so I bought steel cable and a few of the most “decent” locks I could find and had my friend weld them together in smaller loops that I would use to lock each bit you could take off separately, so while you could still pick/break/cut the locks and cable, the hope was that it would just end up being way too much trouble. I think it worked cause I still have my bike

    (The bike is a $1200 bike that I love dearly, just so you know I’m not crazy for basically building a knot puzzle for a 100$ bike)

  9. FWIW, to those complaining about the length, if you watch any of his other videos you’d know that this is how his entire channel is. He discusses the lock, his perceptions about how they’re vulnerable, and then either picks them or cuts them. You should learn to relax. It’s YouTube not Vine. The channel would be pretty boring if all his videos were just short 5-10 second cuts of his either picking the lock open or just cutting it without any explanation of the lock.

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