Air Plane Makes Emergency Landing In Seattle,WA Traffic.. Nails It!

Air Plane Makes Emergency Landing In Seattle,WA Traffic.. Nails It!

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  1. There’s never a cop around when the guy rolls coal through a red light and almost kills you, but the one time you emergency land your plane at the 7-11, it was right into the middle of an emergency-landing trap. Figures.

  2. I’m impressed with just about everyone in this video.

    Where is the backstory? Was hoping for a little more than what is in the YouTube dublidoo.

  3. I hate to be this guy, but usually roadways are the LAST place you want to try for an emergency landing. For a lot of reasons. One, the road is crisscrossed with telephone/power lines and traffic lights. It’s almost impossible to see a power line until it’s in the cockpit with you, and you don’t want to try and thread the needle during an emergency. But what’s worse, a road landing puts not only your own life in danger, but the lives of everyone else on the road. Sometimes there aren’t any good options, but this guy got lucky that the road was as empty as it was.

  4. Air Force here. We actually train for this with our F-16s. We’ll shut down a highway and have pilots land and take off on them. It’s pretty dope. Very rare training, but it happens.


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