Oil spill in the Cantaura river, Venezuela. PDVSA has been guilty of several oil spills in the last few years that haven’t been covered at all internationally

Oil spill in the Cantaura river, Venezuela. PDVSA has been guilty of several oil spills in the last few years that haven’t been covered at all internationally

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  1. It’s from a socialist country, the socialist media and socialist subreddits wont talk about it. They would if it come from a right wing government, like amazon fires

  2. If Venezuela ever gets its act together politically, then PDVSA will need massive infrastructure upgrades to be a viable producer again. All of the O&G infrastructure in the country is shot.

  3. So this is what happens when a communist dictatorship controls the oil company, controls the newspaper, controls the tv stations, and controls the governing bodies that monitor pollution. Why would they ever let the people know that they fucked up? Who is ever going to get punished for this? Is the Maduro government going to fine itself let alone put its own people in prison?

    At least in western countries the companies responsible for the oil spill pay to clean it up and get a fine. Even if it is a slap on the wrist they are somewhat held accountable. When these state owned companies do it there is no recourse, no one even gets a slap on the wrist

  4. Topics about the amazon fires, which this year is going to be lower than 2017 and almost half of 2010 got tens of thousands of upvotes and ended on the frontpage with people saing crap like wanting developed countries to take over the brazilian amazon by force.


    [Venezuela with a massive oil leak damaging sea life on brazilian shores?](https://youtu.be/eKmRkS1os7k)

  5. I work as a merchant marine engineer sailing on cargo ship (like this one – https://youtu.be/gqMuvPVpaM8) and some of the (smaller) ships sail into Venezuela as well. Don’t know of it’s a rumor or stereotype, but speaking to the local agents, it is often said that *one can bribe their way to get anything done with the government*. And despite many laws in place, the execution is not as good as it should be which results in people not following them at all. Considering the high count in per year oil spill incidents, I am often wondering if everything is indeed an accidental or maybe it is just a conscious act.
    Whichever be the case, it’s really sad and frustrating.


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