At 19 years old Ed Sheeran was invited to perform at an LA club with a predominantly black audience and turned the place into a party.

At 19 years old Ed Sheeran was invited to perform at an LA club with a predominantly black audience and turned the place into a party.

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  1. say what you will that guy is fucking talented. bringing a room down like that is awesome. he’s not my cup of tea but damn if I didn’t get the chills watching that. mad respect for him after watching this.

  2. The first time I “discovered” Ed Sheeran, I spent my entire 8 hour shift at work just going through his various performances.

    He does his shows live, no lipsync. He uses that thing at his feet to make the beats on stage. He’s a great talent and has an amazing voice.

    He went pop and by that I mean he started making mushy love songs too much, and I don’t fuck with that, but you can’t deny the dudes talent hustle and hard work.

  3. My girlfriend and I saw him last year and I was pretty neutral on Sheeran, all I had heard was most of his popular, semi-sappy love songs.

    Holy shit did he ever make a fan that night, this tune in paricular, especially live, brought the entire place down. Was incredible. Looking forward to catching him again. His music may not be for everyone, although I’d argue he spans quite a few genres, but you cannot deny his talent.

    After watching this I am reminded that I have absolutely no question as to why he became the superstar he is.

  4. I love his talent. You aren’t born with talent like this. You fucking grind for it. He did and it really shows. He deserves his fans. I enjoy his music, but that was something special.

  5. I was taken to see him through my work in stockholm a while back. His music isn’t really to my taste but he’s crazy talented, and he managed to have an entire arena of people in the palm of his hand using a guitar and an effects pedal. It was pretty impressive

  6. As others have said in here countless times before. His music now isn’t totally my thing, I can’t say I’ve ever listened to him on Spotify or whatever but the dude is phenomenally talented and entertaining as a live performer. Watching videos of him at HUGE stadiums and festivals up on stage with nothing but a guitar and loop pedal and watching as he owns the audience is just so damned impressive to watch. Even people who aren’t fans of his music can appreciate why he’s just so hugely popular.

  7. I’ve always heard the story of how before he was famous Ed came to the States and played Jamie Foxx’s club and how Jamie was so impressed that he let Ed stay at his home and made sure he got a record made but I didn’t know there was a video!!!

    Thanks OP!

  8. It’s so fucking obnoxious that this sub uses black people being black as some type of extra credit for Sheeran being talented. Nobody gives a shit that Prince made a room full of white people enjoy themselves, talent always rises to the top.

  9. This is most people who aren’t into his musics opinion of him, he’s an amazing musician and songwriter the music just comes down to taste.

  10. there is a clip somewhere of Jamie Foxx on the Graham Norton show about Ed Sheeran staying at his house (?) and Jamie being the one to take him down to the club i think.

  11. The title for this is frame quite sceptically, and thats probably because you know Ed as a Brit pop star, so naturally its a bit odd that he could carry a black crowd in the US at such a young age.

    However, dig into his roots and how he got started and you’ll see how Ed came up by collaborating in the early Grime scene in London.

    Few examples: Ed & Devlin – Ed & Wiley – Ed & Skepta – Ed & Wretch 32 – Ed & P Money – Ed & Stormzy – Ed & Big Nastie (he is also godfather to Nasties girl) – And he’s been appearing on channels like SBTV for close to a decade, making his name. – even showing his rhyming ability

    Ed is now a certified pop star and fair play to him, but he made his name in the trenches as an unknown collaborating with mainly black artists, being embraced by the community. They gave him a platform and in return he has brought a lot of them through with him.

    I’m not the biggest fan of his pop songs, but the way he built his career is impressive, and the fact he is still loved, revered and respected by the Grime industry is testament to his character.


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