Chinese Invisibility Cloak Hoax DESTROYED!!!

Chinese Invisibility Cloak Hoax DESTROYED!!!

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Comment (37)

  1. The Big D is absolutely brilliant and has yet again made a video worth the wait.

    Loved the Bill Wurtz section and the Tom Scott bit. Plus I learned and was entertained, or edutained!

  2. that bit on teaching us to use *multiple* chroma keys is actually pretty helpful

    i bet green screen on twitch streams are gonna look way better after this

  3. Wow. I am absolutely blown away by this video. Been watching CD for years now and I just can’t believe the effort and work that goes into each of his videos.

    This one was brilliant, all the references were just spot on and hilarious.

    Just signed up to his Paterson finally, feel bad for how long it took!

  4. OMG Professor Sir Martyn Poliakoff and Brady…

    “…and as a piece of waste fell into the water beneath him, he exclaimed: ‘I shall make it more complex!'”

    “Is that really true, Professor?”

    -Laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes!!

  5. I’m an idiot. I was thinking, did he go to all those locations because he is friends with those youtubers? Did he build his own backgrounds around his studio?

    I got so caught up in his locations, I failed to notice what the whole video was actually about.


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