Disabled veteran’s transformation with DDP Yoga. From being barely able to walk without crutches to sprinting in only 6 months.

Disabled veteran’s transformation with DDP Yoga. From being barely able to walk without crutches to sprinting in only 6 months.

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Comment (21)

  1. So what is the connection with Diamond Dallas Page? Did he introduce this style of yoga or is it just marketed through him? Not that I doubt pro wrestlers would practice yoga, just surprised he has his own version.

  2. My neighbor never got that big but he has degenerative back issues that slow him down, make him walk poorly, make a lot of activities impossible or incredibly difficult.

    But goddamn if he doesn’t make things happen. He goes surfing. He goes kayaking. He plays pickle ball. He rides his recumbent bike for miles with his wife.

    I’m healthy and have no mobility issues and he keeps up with me. It is awesome what people can do when they make that commitment.

  3. The physical DDP yoga location is about a mile from my house and I drive by it every day going to and from work. DDP himself teaches classes there twice a week.

    Maybe I should sign up.

  4. I actually own the video set and that guy is featured as one of the people working out with DDP and is even thinner in than at the end of this video. The workouts are great it’s basically yoga minus the meditation aspect with a stronger focus on strength building along with flexibility. In one of the more difficult videos there is a 300+ pound guy doing moves that I struggle with at 40 lbs lighter.

  5. This always makes me SOB MY EYES OUT. Cannot cope. I’ve been struggling pretty badly with weight loss myself lately, definitely considering giving this a try. I’m pretty unfit and unflexible, but after this guy, I really have no excuses.

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