Double standards when men turn down women

Double standards when men turn down women

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  1. Is there actually a double standard?

    She just didn’t take rejection well. I know plenty of men who also don’t take rejection well

  2. Turned a bombshell down on a business trip because I’m not that kind of guy and thankfully she didn’t make a scene, but she was shattered. She couldn’t believe it and said she never gets turned down. As a guy who has dealt with plenty of rejection, it’s interesting to think about how different people’s life experiences are. What was normal, even expected, for me just broke her brain.

  3. One person does not equal a double standard. I’ve been turned down and while it hurt, I never bitched out that person for their choices, nor I think ever spoke to them again haha.

    I did bitch with my friend about that guy who lead her on for a one night stand. She was understandably upset when he never called like promised…..but that’s kinda of a side issue.

    I don’t know, I would assume she felt shamed because she’s willing to cheat and was called out on how that is a shitty move….does this really seem like a decent person to base “all female standards” on?? Because obviously we aren’t all cheaters either. Shitty person = shitty reaction, no surprise there.

    Why does every experience have to be a representation of ALL genders, races, political views, etc? Absolutes don’t work in real life.

  4. Oh you poor lovable Shrek, you think her friends gave you the stink eye because she told them “I tried to fuck this guy even though I have a boyfriend but he turned me down. What an asshole!”?

    No sweetie, she told them that you groped another girl outside the club or that you tried hitting on her even though you knew she has a boyfriend. Better not show your face at that club for a while.

  5. Some low-key high level burns here “gorgeous girl almost a 9 out of 10” and “if you are lucky enough to find a man willing to accept you and your child”

  6. I had some girl scream at me at a club for 10 minutes because I didn’t want to dance with her.

    I didn’t really know what to do, I had just spent a whole bunch of time losing weight and trying to dress nice and it was my first time out, I couldn’t really leave since I was there with friends, and it was a bit of a confidence boost to be approached, but still I wasn’t really comfortable with it… and yeah, I’m an asshole for turning her down apparently.

  7. Agree with just about everything he said ‘cept…

    The purpose of the video is to expose double standards, and it does that but he also uses one of the greatest double standards between men and women. He refers to the “whore” fax when discussing a woman’s history. Isn’t it enough to call a woman who cheats a cheater? why label her a whore? after all there is no term with the similar level of judgement and connotations that regularly gets used against men.

    Call out a woman for her cheating but please don’t talk about double standards if you’re going to use one yourself.

  8. She’s just a bitch.

    I do think that most men are more experienced with being rejected in general, as men seem to ask women out more than the other way around.

    She’s definitely a case for a double standard, but she’s likely more the exception than the rule.

    There’s plenty of guys and girls who both can’t handle rejection, but are more than happy to throw it out.

  9. I wouldn’t say it’s a double standard more that she was just too proud and (most likely too drunk) to be able to handle it. Also combined with that she was down to cheat on her boyfriend meant she’s a piece of shit and if he did indulge her it would have ended in drama city.

  10. It’s actually really dangerous to play with another man’s woman.

    Also the saying, once a cheater, always a cheater. is very true as well.

  11. not a double standard. some people just suck at handling rejection, some people have little to no experience with it. for fuck’s sake some dipshit guy just shot up his fucking school because he was rejected.

  12. There isn’t a double standard at all. Guys deal with rejection poorly all the time. So do women.

    Also, maybe you shouldn’t judge all people based on who you meet at the club…

  13. No offense meant, but this was just a long humble-brag lol. I’ve been in the same situation before and it’s never warranted a reflection video the next day. Just move on with life. Men and women are equally capable of cheating and handling rejection poorly when turned down. There was nothing groundbreaking here, just a dude bragging that a hot chick tried to make a move on you

  14. He actually said… “better luck next time, tiger” and didn’t expect to be called an asshole? It’s not a double standard at all. That’s a real shitty thing to say to someone you just rejected. Stopped watching the video at this point.

  15. I don’t agree with everything he said but there is a clear double standard with women in dating.

    Extreme feminists like to act like they’re horribly disadvantaged in society which is true through many (and daresay most) aspects but there is a big oversight when it comes to romantic and social power.

    Statistics show that men initiate contact the vast majority of the time. Whether or not this is how it should be is immaterial. It’s a current fact. In normal, consential romantic interactions women are effectively gatekeepers and hold an incredible amount of power.

    The same goes for lots of other romantic relative situations. for example take a party that has a lot of women or a party that does not have a lot of women. The party with a lot of women is always more sought after.

    What this effectively creates is a hyper competitive atmosphere among men. In man only circles men will ridicule each other about the women they are dating (or in most cases not dating)

    This also in effect allows women to be picky about their mates since they have (on average) a lot more potential romantic partners than men.

    All available statistics we have show this to be true. Women do initiate contact first, but they do it far less than men do and tend to only reach out to men they view as the best possible mates. Therefore when you consider the entire male dating pool only the top percentile of men are being contacted first by women.

    The inevitable consequence is that the majority of men who are not in the top percentile are not sought after or contacted. This creates a certain mindset in your average man where he knows based on personal experience that he is not valuable. (especially in romantic circles) This negative influence comes with a myriad of consequences which plague our society.

    but I could go on all day about social problems in dating.

  16. Women have a whole bunch of double standards they enjoy. Which I’m fine with cause they are women, but the women in pussy hats kind of ruin it.

  17. There are plenty of people of both genders who take rejection badly. I don’t think there is a double standard here, it happens all around. I mean, there are a handful of subreddits dedicated to men handling rejecting badly that you can check out right now.

    The thing is, we all live in our own spheres and sometimes it’s hard to see the other side, so it can seem like there is a double standard. I’m a woman, so I’ve really only seen men handling rejection badly, either from me or my girlfriends. I don’t know what it’s like to date women, nor have I really seen any handle rejection poorly in real life. I know it happens, though, because I’ve listened to the stories.

    My two cents, I guess.

  18. Definitely had this shit happen. Twice when I turned down sex with drunk girls, because they were drunk and I wasn’t, I was completely destroyed by the girls. One of them even told her friends and my boss that I tried to rape her. This shit isn’t right. That was years ago, and I still never fully recovered from it.

  19. I would take this incident over the threat of actual violence via a man I rejected anyday.

    There is no double standard, sorry. When women are rejected, they get petty and give you side-eye with their friends. When men are rejected, they do everything from verbally harass you, stalk you, to committing a mass shooting in your school. There’s the difference.

  20. I mean, the difference between a person, a car and a house is that the latter two can’t fix themselves and aren’t conscious complex sentient beings with the ability for critical thinking. Past behavior isn’t always indicative of future behavior. You have to gauge that person where they are at in life and give them chances based on the past and present person. Many people learn their lessons from their mistakes. Whorefacts is problematic, because sexual promiscuity is much more detrimental for women than it is men. There in lies the truth, there are double standards for both genders. Though I would say they are far more often against women and this movement amongst men to try and make comparisons as to how men have it harder is pretty hard to defend. Not that the man in the video is saying this but I have noticed these ideas get used by guy that identify with the meninist red pill movement. I don’t really think there is a double standard either in this situation, I just think that the woman is being shitty. I know many women, who wouldn’t do what she did and if they were rejected wouldn’t make a guy feel bad about it and I think you would find that when other people hear this story will agree she was in the wrong. Only her friends in that moment really are defending her, because often that’s what friends do. They back their friends up in settings like this, because of maybe a few different reasons, but you see this with guys too. It’s lame that this happens, but women get just as shitty as reaction from guys and often times that reaction is violent, aggressive and or threatening etc. It’s shitty of both sexes to do, if somebody rejects you, accept their decisions and move on. Nobody likes being rejected, but don’t be shitty about it.

  21. The dude did one thing slightly right, and now has the right to be a self-righteous asshole on a soap box? Whore fax? Really? Comparing women to leaking roofs and cars…
    So oppressed. Such double standard. Go pound some whey protein and pat yourself on the back.


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