Finnish fish soup recipe – Cooking Traditional Finnish food for my Indian husband

One shouldn’t mix fish with milk. Who knew? Well, I didn’t! One of the most traditional and popular dishes in Finland, my native country, is Fish Soup cooked in a milky broth and served with another Finnish delicacy rye bread. Many have asked me to start sharing my recipes, both Indian but especially Finnish ones on YouTube, so even though the milky fish soup would be a strange experience for Indian foodies, I’m hereby launching the recipe series in my vlog.

By the way, the great thing about Finnish cuisine is that our recipes are quite easy to prepare and everyone can create their own versions! If you find the combination of milk and fish completely unacceptable, you can replace the milk with same amount of coconut milk. The recipe in this video serves 4 people or 2 people for two meals.

Bon Appetit!

#finnishfood #india #foreigngirl

Here’s a link to my Amazon Wish List for baby gifts

Baking Finnish desserts for Vinod’s birthday:

My Haryanvi husband cooked fish for us:

11 Finnish Culture shocks:



Namaste friends ๐Ÿ™ My name is Johanna and I’m an Indian wife, living and travelling in India for almost 4 years now. I’m originally from Finland, but currently we are settled in northern Kerala. I’m not a traveller, but vlogging and discovering India – 21/29 states.

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Comment (40)

  1. Prepared the same way in Trinidad and Guyana ……with lots more root vegetables……….yams,cassava,potatoes and plantain with fish they normally called it broth and any other meat called soup.Looks yummy .

  2. Hey Johanna se on tossi kiva nรคhdรครคn sinua aina teke hyvรครค suomalainen ruokaa ja se on helpompi sรครคda tilli Intiassa kun sinรค menet suorava kertaa ostoksille kysy soya leaves se on tilli hindissa.

  3. Haryanavi guys are very rough and full of arrogance but your guy seems cool.

    We wonโ€™t mix milk and fish ever. Itโ€™s total no no. We use coconut milk. With three strong smell of Sierra fish and milk.. NO.

  4. We do get dill quite commonly in India.. It's called Aneth or "Sepu" or "Suwa" in Bombay. Also Wasa of Germany supplies Crispy rye bread in India via Amazon. It is similar to tfinnish Rye bread.

  5. Hi Johanna, nice to se a video of you again, how are you doing, hope all is well with you! We get Dill freely out here in Bombay (Mumbai), Iโ€™m sure you get it in the bigger markets out there.

  6. Hi Johanna you were like a chef in the kitchen and your presentation was fantastic as if I was watching a master chef program. The fish soup looked delicious and I could see that your husband enjoyed the dish. Thank you for this episode. God bless and stay safe. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Loved it. No pretense, as always, get it like we are sitting at your home, refrigerator as crammed as I have it here ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ But, I liked the completely different topic entirely for the vlog.
    I am going to try that soup here in the States. Btw, did a quick google. apparently, Malayalam Chatakuppa (เดšเดคเด•เตเดชเตเดช) = Dil ๐Ÿ™‚ So there you have it!
    I generally will not mess with the recipes but usually have a quick look in the kitchen and adapt .. I cook on-the-fly most times. Your husband's reaction be there really no room for some masala in this soup.. :-(. HAHAHHA.. then he knows he is being recorded.. nods.
    Did a quick search on Finnish restaurants in NJ.. well, it's all bundled under Scandinavian and IKEA features in that list LOLOL. tc and be well!
    Looking forward to more homely cooking vlogs! I need to catch up on that appam vlog…

  8. Yay! finally long awaited cooking video from you and recipe looks so delicious even for vegetarians๐Ÿ˜ƒ. I am making it with leaks and turnips. I am surprised you donโ€™t get dill over there as my mom used to make mungdaal with dill and is widely used in many recipes in Gujarat
    It is really sweet to see Vinod enjoying different food as some of the indian man here still only
    prefers indian food every day!my husband also enjoys anything I make๐Ÿ˜ƒ I love to cook food from around the world! Would love some recipes from Kerala food.
    Clean up the mess if you are a messy chef like me ๐Ÿ˜‚ good tip๐Ÿ‘Œ

  9. That is a very healthy recipe but it may not resonate to most Indians as we put more spices in fish than meat due to the fish typical odor, I would try out your recipe with shrimps as I know milk or coconut goes very well with shrimp, even use some grated coconut ๐Ÿ™‚ thank you for sharing you Finnish recipe

  10. Hi Vinod , Johanna
    Thanks for teaching us a Finnish Fish soup. That looked yummy, I am sure it tasted fine. Yes, The coconut milk would be perfect for the Indian version of the soup since we used Seer fish instead of Salmon. But I cant judge the choice of milk over coconut milk since I have not tasted fish and milk combo. Thanks once again. Awaiting more Finnish recipies. ๐Ÿ˜

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