First Words at Age 10 (Autism)

First Words at Age 10 (Autism)

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  1. As someone with a non verbal 6 year old this hits hard. He does the same forehead kisses. I makes me frustrated when people tell me to not try to help or “cure” my kid. He is trapped in there and can’t tell me what he needs. How is he ever going to function. What if he is abused when my wife and I are gone. Some people with high functioning autism have told us it’s wrong to try to change him. They are wrong. I just want him to be able to communicate anything.

  2. What I see as a SPED teacher: She needs to be more strict with him. He needs to be communicating that he wants food. Every opportunity to use language needs to be exploited with absolute consistency, even in the face of huge protests. I’d even make him ask for a kiss on the forehead. I’d make him need to ask for help opening that snack, put it in a see through locked container. Then give him a small piece of snack and make communicate for more. He’s controlling her like a tool when he picks up her hand for pig sign (wrong sign for pig and airplane btw), and controlling her body movement. She is a tool for him, that has to stop. He likes sensory objects. He puts his lips on her head and feels her hair. Make him earn and communicate for other sensory objects (replacements for her face and hair). He echoed her “best”. Correct that. The kisses on the forehead might be serving two functions. He may also be communicating that he wants something and he knows kisses will get him it.

  3. As a parent this is both heartwarming and heartbreaking.

    Parenthood is a neverending series of the Best Thing Ever after being beaten down to rock bottom. Before the kid is born you get high expectations (I’d like mine to be the first person on mars), and then you settle for choosing to sleep in a vomit-covered shirt because you’d rather sleep than do laundry. Then comes the first time you master your burping technique, and it’s the Best Thing Ever (BTE). Then they sleep 5 hours straight, BTE. Then you have the day where they wake from a nap, see you, and smile HUGE and it’s BTE. First time they laugh in response to you blowing a raspberry, BTE. First steps, BTE. Recently my daughter’s started reciting her bedtime books by memory (she likes The Story of Farts so hearing her say things like esophagus or duodenum is BTE).

    I can’t imagine waiting 10 years to hear her say “dad”, and that breaks my heart. To see this mom still finding BTEs 10 years on is so lovely to see, though, and im so glad she can find happiness and love in a situation that would tear weaker mortals to shreds.

  4. If you like this video, subscribe to this channel. Chris is a former sped teacher and started this project on his own, and honestly the most wholesome channel I’ve seen. It’s made me laugh, cry, learn, and appreciate life for what it is.

  5. This is mind blowing. People think vaccines can cause this. Autism is so fucking broad itโ€™s unbelievable. Iโ€™m 27, exhibit traits. I did 5 years in the Corps. I have a degree and make $60k a year(only second year in my field). Donโ€™t think getting your child vaccinated against polio and measles will cause something like this.


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