Food That Kills – Full Presentation

Presented by: Dr. Michael Klaper – 1993

Official Website for Dr. Michael Klaper

Dietary fat intake and carotid artery wall thickness: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.

28:55 minute mark – see the differences in the teeth/jaws, digestive track and stomach acids in carnivores vs. herbivores or lions vs. humans.

The Comparative Anatomy of Eating

WATCH *Forks Over Knives*
See the full documentary FREE online –
(please let me know if this link is no longer available)

A River of Waste: The Hazardous Truth About Factory Farms

Make Yourself Heart Attack Proof

High-protein Diets: Trading Your Health for Temporary Weight Loss

Explore the consequences of a meat (animal based) diet. Are we really designed to be omnivores OR does a plant based diet suit us best?
*** Herbivore vs. Carnivore – You be the judge ! ***

Great websites for helping you transfer from a meat based to a plant based diet.

How science and medicine have betrayed you

21-Day Vegan Kickstarter Meal Plan

Dr. John McDougall


NOT Milk

What’s Wrong with Eggs? This should answer all your questions.

The Most Comprehensive Listing of Country Health Profiles and World Health Rankings for all leading Causes of Death ever assembled in one place.

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Comment (26)

  1. Having high blood cholesterol puts you at risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States.

    People with high cholesterol have about twice the risk of heart disease as people with lower levels.

    Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance. Your body needs some cholesterol, but it can build up on the walls of your arteries and lead to heart disease and stroke when you have too much in your blood.

    71 million American adults (33.5%) have high low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or “bad,” cholesterol.1

    Only 1 out of every 3 adults with high LDL cholesterol has the condition under control.1

    Less than half of adults with high LDL cholesterol get treatment.1

    On blood pressure

    Having high blood pressure puts you at risk for heart disease and stroke, which are leading causes of death in the United States.1

    About 75 million American adults (32%) have high blood pressure—that’s 1 in every 3 adults.3

    About 1 in 3 American adults has prehypertension—blood pressure numbers that are higher than normal—but not yet in the high blood pressure range.3

    This is all from a heavy meat diet…you are just a pawn for big pharma.

  2. The ADA has been commissioning population control, by way of sneaking these things into the food we eat to live at all. Telling us that it's "healthy. "make me wanna holler the way they do our lives… This ain't livin" 🤔😡

  3. so much misinformation here. eating lean meat and fish is absolutely fine as are eggs in moderation. we have a thing in our body called a liver and two things called kidneys which detoxify any body. if you eat solely burgers and sausages and drink beer then obviously you're gonna be a fatass. to lose fat is tough as your body will likely go into starvation mode clinging onto fat…

  4. In Japan, in the late 60s and early 70s the Japanese has already developed a method which is completely dependable and reliable that can cheaply and easily mass produced chlorella and spirulina in bulk and with such ease as if they are cultivating feedgrains to be fed to their steers and pigs and chickens and ducks and fish in fish ponds but that chlorella and spirulina agricultural practice did not become as widespread in Japan BECAUSE OF SUBTLE OPPOSITION FROM JAPANESE BIG CORPORATE GRAIN IMPORTERS AND PRODUCERS. In fact, in 1974, Japan has also developed a process that allowed them to convert chlorella into a fine flour that can easily replace wheat and yet it did not catch on despite the fact it is cheaper than imported American wheat at that time!

  5. Cholesterol rebuilds cells. THAT'S why Burn Units give the badly burned people Up To 25 boiled EGGS a day If you don't build cells quick enough You're just dying faster Dr. Leonard Caldwell has a 6 minute video on You Tube YOU NEED TO WATCH I Eat all the Cholesterol I can I'm 69 and look less than 50 years old, Mother says I look about 45 years old

  6. What a moron, you've got to be shitting me!
    I've lost 107lbs on a keto diet, I have lowered my blood pressureMy knees feel betterI sleep betterMy cholesterol is perfect
    When you add sugar and carbs into your diet is when you have cholesterol issues moron
    I run a page on Facebook called Keto Nation and if you want to get honest good clean information and a support group join and we will help. I can't believe this crap
    Organs need fatBrain needs fatHormones need cholesterol If you deprive your self of this you will not be very successful and efficient in life

  7. HELP!,My Name Is Pamela, I Worked In Health & Social Care /Ex-Nurse,We are On A Mission To Raise AWARENESS About Toxic Exposure,To Glyphosate aka {Roundup}in Scotland,& World SIGN THIS*PETITION* For Yourself &*Children's*Health*& "pets"
    *Cats, dogs & environments etc.

    MY WEBSITE: FOR PUBLIC AWARENESS–data-evidence.html

    WHO AND I.A.R.C STATED IN"2015"THAT GLYPHOSATE Roundup herbicide WAS *CARCINOGENIC to HUMANS!&*DOGS*&*CATS*& they eat the orange grass & it's in their food too,& get very sick*liver & kidney diseases etc.

    Glyphosate is the active ingredient in many weedkillers, including Monsanto's Roundup IT'S used in Farming to Burn down farmers fields & to "desiccate" dry out our Crops? as it makes it easier for farmers to harvest? then we eat the food produced by farmers & the farmers cattle, cows, sheep, pigs, dogs, etc. eats the residues in their Feed?, & we eat The Meats & vegetables from farms* with residues of glyphosates, which accumulates in our bones & Organs & plays havoc with all our health's, also Sprayed in Public places like Play-Parks, Streets, Schools, Care homes, also by pregnant woman with children in their gardens, Around people's homes* BY CITY COUNCILS? It is the World’s Most widely Sold Weedkiller. We Need this"insidious Chemical"out our foods etc

    ALSO MANY INDEPENDENT STUDIES* SHOW MANY OTHER DISEASES!!! NON-Hodgkin-lymphoma,Obesity,Birth defects,infertility microcephaly,Autism, Asthma, Respiratory disease, Copd IBS, fibromyalgia, Sinus infections,ADHD,Diabetes,Celiac Disease, Endocrine Disruptor, hormonal disturbances, etc.SCIENTIFIC Peer reviewed Seralini Studies found Severe liver & Kidney disease,

    its costing Over £95,000 per year FOR Our CITY COUNCIL alone? Can you imagine the public's response if they knew that glyphosate is being sprayed on their oats & in their Cheerios & wheat, vegetables & meats etc.Only weeks before its manufactured & Put in shops? & its impossible to wash or scrub this chemical off, or cook it off our food, as its in the cells of all meats & veg except Organic

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