Giant Swordfish Kosha Cooking for Special People – Massive Pakhi Fish Vuna Curry Recipe of Grandpa

Massive swordfish Cutting & Bengali style kosha curry recipe cooking by 70+ years old 4 brothers grandpa of village.

They serve this giant fish curry with rice to old age, poor & physically challenged unfortunate people of village community.

Today we bought 51 KG giant sea fish to feed special village people.

First 4 grandpa cutting this massive fish into small small pieces. Then they clean the fish with pure drinking water.

After that grandpa fry the fish with some spice ingredient. Then they cook kosha curry of this giant fish.

After cooking delicious fish curry, 4 brothers grandpa eating together with lots of fun together.

Then they make packet of food and visit all of those unfortunate people house and give them precious food packet with new dress for them.

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Comment (42)

  1. It's a good deed to cook and share the gift of life that was given to all of us on earth 🌍 but the original Native fishermen shared their catches to feed their self and Family and anybody who like to eat fish 🐟 and that was in need of food which is all about survival and not being a Show boater keeping up trouble in the world 🌎 amongst humanity in a creation our Creator allowed all of us on earth 🌎 to be apart of as 1 creation building Family life on earth 🌎 and not destroying the gift of life that was given to all of us on earth 🌎 because no one is special or better than the next on earth 🌎, and it's not right not to live equally amongst one another on earth 🌎 or favor someone over the next human being on earth 🌎 because we all are 1 creation, and if you are not sharing the earth 🌎 you are not taking care of the earth 🌎 and one another on earth 🌎 which makes you a Big curse to the earth 🌎 and a enemy to our Creator creation that all of us were allowed to be apart of as 1 creation building Family life on earth 🌎 and not destroying family life on earth 🌎 or favoring one human being over the next human being on earth 🌎 because no one is special or better than the next human being on earth 🌎 because we all were just put here to live off of the gift of life and not value it over our souls and the one and only power that created all thing's our eye's 👀 see 👀, nothing more or nothing less you see 👀!!!!???? The original Native Black King 👑 Z 👑❤️😘

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