Guy uses virtual reality to open up about how his last relationship ended

Guy uses virtual reality to open up about how his last relationship ended

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  1. He started talking about how he believed everything she said at face value and loon like an idiot later on, then he started talking about how she was “going to live with her parents a few months” and I totally expected her to be cheating on him and running away with another man.

  2. I like this guy and his videos but the sidekick guy or whatever he is always takes me out of it. He always interjects with low-hanging fruit jokes that remind of a kid saying something silly to break the tension in a serious conversation.

    I dunno maybe I’m looking too far into vr chat videos;.

  3. Hope this dude’s alright 🙁 Grief is a horrible process that feels endless while you’re going through it, but there is always light at the end of the tunnel and I hope this guy is able to make it there.

  4. That was heavy man. I had a girl like the one he described, she just ended up being a manipulative, lying bitch though, but I can connect with this guy at that level because I know what that love is like. I genuinely hope he can get help and learn to love again, when you truly find it, it’s a completely different feeling.

  5. The last time a VR chat video was posted on reddit, it had a heart breaking story as well. Some reddit users then pointed out the entire thing was staged and copied from /r/nosleep. I dont know if i can take this video seriously.


    Cant find the VR video even though it had over 20k karma points. I suspect it was deleted. Here is the story the video ripped off from :

    Thanks to /u/TangerineNinja who found [the VR video]( i was referring to. Completely different youtuber. I take it all back.

  6. oh my god.. I just went through this myself. that last line “I just want to hear her say I love you back” has been exactly what I’ve been thinking since it happened.

  7. The hopeless romantic in me wants to believe all these beautiful stories coming from this channel. The cynic in me tells me this is all going to be found out as a bunch of BS.

  8. Every week there’s a video like this. It’s like a thing now. Not trying to take away from his experience but it’s always the same tone and style. Every time.

    “Kid who gets bullied opens up about it on VR”

    “Poor child talks about his depression on VR”

    “Kid with no friends talks about it on VR”

    “Kid talks about losing his family in a freak gasoline fight accident on VR”

    “Sick kid talks about being healed by the magic of VR”

    “Tiny blind puppy talks about how it can’t see on VR but nobody can understand it”

    “Guy cries to the theme of Happy Days on VR”

  9. So about once a month a video from this guy pops up with some heartfelt story that always ends up being from some writing prompt somewhere on the internet and people eat this shit up.

  10. i cry after watching any one of these videos with letting out their emotions, and i just want ti say sorry to them you know ? like why couldn’t it have been my life that this happened to. These people don’t deserve the shit that life gives them. Fuck hate in the ass, i hope i can help people one day instead of sitting around.

  11. “I’m scared of falling in love again and having it ripped from me”

    That’s some real fucking talk right there. Source: I’m scared of falling in love again and having it ripped from me.

  12. Is it weird that I never really could empathize with these types of emotions, even if going though a breakup? I mean, if we didnt break up, the relationship would have been henceforth subconsciously toxic for one or both parties.


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