How fast you have to run in a 2hr Marathon

How fast you have to run in a 2hr Marathon

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  1. I run on average about 25Km a week in either 5 or 10km bursts, and I’m pretty sure that If I joined in for just the last 50m or 100m of an elite marathon I would be outpaced.

  2. I’ve run several full marathons and too many half marathons to date and it still blows my mind that these runners are going twice as fast as my best paces.

  3. Ran a race today that the Patagonia sponsor raced too. He did the course of 21.5 miles in under 3 hrs. Might not seem that great but there was 5200 ft of elevation gain. That just blows me away

  4. His last example of the 100M sprint isn’t correct at all… You wouldn’t be doing it 421 times.

    A marathon runner might run 100m at 56% of the speed Usain Bolt runs, but the marathon runner STARTS at full speed. No acceleration, just maintaining. Doesn’t mean it is easy, but it’s not comparable at all, the art of long distance running is not just fitness but your running form, how well you conserve your energy and momentum.

  5. I’m just shocked we’re down to 2:00:22 There’s no doubt someone will crack it soon. I wonder will they become as famous as Bannister?


  6. Holy shit. When I ran track the fastest I’ve ever been able to run a mile is 5:30. These guys shave off an entire MINUTE? AND KEEP THAT UP FOR 25 MORE MILES?! Holy mother of lactic acid, I need to get back in shape.

  7. I’m curious: how difficult is it to reach an 8 ks (8000 s) marathon? That’s a bit longer than 2 hours, and fully metric with a round number – and looks to be in the range of what’s already been done (e.g. marathon world record is 7377 s, slightly more than two hours – 2:02:57 to be precise), but how challenging is it? I know a 5-in-2 – 5 km ran in 2 ks – would look to be pretty easy to reach, and there are those who have done a 5-in-1 (world record is about 757 s for men and 851 s for women, both under 1000 s or 1 ks), but what about a full marathon in 8? (Using kiloseconds lets you get more interesting milestones than hours, since they’re smaller and more bite-sized – and I’ve been wondering about and a fan of kiloseconds for a while and wondering if this is one of the first places they could be brought into use and wondering what you all think)

  8. Fuck me, I biked a marathon stretch after watching this video, I could only do it in 1:57:16 on a bike. All props to Dennis Kimetto, god dam madman

  9. Wow, hello everyone! I made this video over a year ago and I was really excited to see it cross 500K views last month. Really surprised to see it on the Videos front page! Funnily enough I just started working on a new video/running project where Kieran in this video is coaching me to run a sub 5 minute mile… training/shooting is on going for 10 weeks. Follow me @samwade on instagram for updates! Thanks again!! !

  10. the insane part to me is when i push both my cycling training sessions into one i keep a avg speed of 23 km/h which is only slightly faster than what you need to do a 2 hour marathon on foot. that is just insanity in terms of speed in my mind.

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