It is impossible to interview Eric Andre

It is impossible to interview Eric Andre

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  1. Eric Andre always makes me feel like I’m beginning to lose touch with the younger generation. I’m only 28, but this dude always comes off like that dude you is always trying so hard to be funny, even when it doesn’t call for it so it just gets annoying.

    I’m not saying anyone is “wrong” for enjoying his brand of humor, but I just don’t get the screaming and just stream of consciousness of it. It just isn’t funny to me.

  2. Dude’s base as fuck. He’s like The Comedian, laughing at everything because everything is a joke. Don’t think about him as a comedian for others as much as he’s a comedian for himself, reflecting the absurdity of the world back at itself.

  3. Nardwuar wasn’t fazed by him either. Eric Andre actually made a mom joke and Nardwuar went along with it before revealing that his mother was dead. Eric Andre let go of his schtick for a few seconds and just regretfully apologized.

  4. I think he’s funny in a few things, but overall I really don’t get his schtick. What’s weird is he’s good friends with Hannibal who I find fucking hilarious but they’re pretty much polar opposites from what I’ve seen.

  5. Am I the only one who thinks he’s just kind of a douche? Like, there’s no content here, just babbling on about nonsense to annoy ppl and seem edgy.

    It’s like middleschool all over again.

  6. He’s like that fucking annoying person that everyones class had in school that you could just rile up everytime you got bored and wanted to see a teacher get mad.

    This type of humour ages badly.

  7. This dude legitimately scares me. His level of insanity is too much. I don’t understand how people can tolerate him or be around him without some kind of bear tranquilizers for protection.


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