Loop Daddy jammin with Fantano

Loop Daddy jammin with Fantano

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Comment (27)

  1. Wait this is actually great. Never heard Fantano play bass (knew he did) but he sounds great. Picked up on what Rebillet was trying to do here and threw it down.

  2. I LOVE your music, but I also love all the physical stuff you do Marc. I think someone should animate you. Imagine all the cool shit you could have happening like all around you. It feels like you’re just one randomly tossed matchstick away from exploding all over the world with your amazing stylins. Maybe it will be a movie? Or you’ll do the soundtrack to something huge? A brilliant commercial? Either way I hope it’s soon! 🙂

  3. I wish there was a way to get him to come to Chicago.

    That shit would sell out instantly but I would do everything I could to get a ticket…such as selling my body.

  4. I love how happy and more confident Fantano looked when Mark Ribbleyay started saying “Fantano playin’ the bass,” “Fantano on the motherfuckin’ bass.” Shark Riversleigh reminds me a lot of Andrew WK with the positivity he puts out into the world.

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