Marvel Studios’ Avengers – Official Trailer

Marvel Studios’ Avengers – Official Trailer

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  1. I’m glad we know nothing of the plot except what I assume is the beginning of the film.

    But apparently Spider-man: Far From Home trailer is coming out tomorrow. I have no idea how they’re going to handle that without fucking things up (since marketing is done by Sony, not Marvel).

  2. Did anyone else think Thanos should have done his snap in a sassy way?

    Like a flamboyant gay guy doing it in a Z formation and finishing with resting his hand on his hip and a quizzically cocked eyebrow.

  3. This is the most generic action film trailer I have ever seen.

    Rising drone music.
    Sound effect breaks through music.
    Self contained line.
    Main character monologues slowly.
    They are sad.
    A couple more sentences. They explain why they became sad.
    Second main character lets audience know the stakes have never been higher.
    “We all lost someone” with video from last film.
    Rising orchestral music. .
    Show a side character it is surprising is in this film
    Music stops. Two line conversation demonstrating the stakes are indeed high.
    :musical: AHHHHHHHHHHH (or musical latin chants)
    Series logo covers screen. Sequel title appears with sound effect.
    Comedy scene.
    Final “SHUNK” sound effect.


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