Michael Buble FINALLY reacts to his Christmas meme – BBC

Michael Buble FINALLY reacts to his Christmas meme – BBC

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  1. [More Bublé on Christmas:](http://www.nprillinois.org/post/michael-bubl-wants-spread-love)

    > SINGH: Perhaps what you’ll also be known for in addition to being wonderful husband, wonderful father. This is the legacy you want. But how about always being synonymous with the Christmas season?
    > BUBLE: Oh, even better.
    > SINGH: Are you game…
    > BUBLE: I like that…
    > SINGH: …For that? Are you…
    > BUBLE: I’m so game.
    > SINGH: OK.
    > BUBLE: Are you kidding me?
    > SINGH: So (laughter) because…
    > BUBLE: You know, what’s funny is I was very sentimental about it a few years ago when we were going through all this because I had really had this epiphany that I had been invited into the most private, beautiful time of a family’s year – for many families’ years. I know not all families celebrate. But the fact that I was part – and this invitee to something that’s so special, where people are kinder to each other. And maybe what’s most magical about it is that people see the world through the eyes of their kids at that time more than other parts of the year. And that childlike wonderment that even the toughest of adults can have – I feel like I’ve been blessed by that.
    > SINGH: What’s your favorite Christmas song?
    > BUBLE: Oh, I think “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” is beautiful.
    > SINGH: Can you, like, sing one?
    > BUBLE: Can I sing you one?
    > SINGH: Yeah.
    > BUBLE: Well, what do you – what are you – what will you sing, Lakshmi?

  2. So true story, something went wrong with the music stream in the store I work causing Michael Buble’s “Cold December Night” to play on loop for almost 3 hours straight one night. 47 consecutive plays. Maintenance was calling and emailing the radio station we stream from begging them to fix it. They eventually removed it from the playlist.

    Until the next day. That day, all day long, every 2nd or 3rd song was that same song again. For at least the entire 8 hour shift I was there. It was the only Christmas song on the playlist. Everything else was our usual music.

    I don’t really have anything meaningful or poignant to say. I just wanted other people to know my suffering.

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