Motus, A Medieval tune with the Hurdy-Gurdy

Motus, A Medieval tune with the Hurdy-Gurdy

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Comment (13)

  1. You can clearly hear it’s a modern composition. There’s no information to be found about it being of medieval times.

    EDIT: OP said it’s composed in the medieval style so it has not been composed in the medieval age. This is an important difference because the title is implying that this is a piece of the medieval age. Downvotes for the truth?

  2. Wanted to buy one of these. Then I found out what a halfway decent one typically went for. Yikes. The one he’s got there is likely worth around 8k+ usd.

  3. I don’t think I’ve come to terms with just how much I like hurdy gurdy music. I know I’m going to have to listen to hours of youtube videos now. Is there a hurdy gurdy fan base?

  4. The bard I play in one of my D&D games uses a Hurdy Gurdy and for all of my spells I’ve gone and edited little 3 or 4 second clips from various songs to fit the spell and this guys channel has been invaluable. Such an awesome instrument.

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