My 80 year old Italian grandmother learning to use a Google home

My 80 year old Italian grandmother learning to use a Google home

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  1. Hey OP, there’s some variables involved, but you might qualify for Italian citizenship via your grandparents.

    …and reddit downvotes me for telling the truth? I learned I qualified via my great great Grandpa about a year ago, applied a few months ago and should have a passport in hand before 2019 hits.

  2. Perhaps just teach her either “Hey” or “ok”, not both. It’s like when I’m teaching a new math procedure to my third graders. There could be two ways to do it, but I only show them one way at a time. I show them the second way after they’ve mastered the first. I’m sure she’ll get it and will have fun with it. Good for you for giving her something that could make things easier for her.

  3. I’ve never liked the concept of “hey google”. I’d much rather they just allow you to say a name and go further and allow you to specify what name it responds to. So you can “name” your own device. Adorable video.

  4. I work as a medic in Brooklyn, and I have to say my favorite two type of patients are old southern black ladies and old Italian ladies. Old Italian ladies will only call 911 when they’re at deaths door, and they will try to feed you while you’re trying to treat them. I fondly remember one holiday I was working where poor nonna was having a legitimate heart attack, and as we were rapidly wheeling her out of her house, she kept trying to put a cookie in my mouth. Nonnas are awesome, and freaking fiery

  5. I miss my own very awesome grandma… Passed away 11 years ago. I would give both my kidneys to spend a morning messing around google home with her… This video is awesome… Enjoy every minute you still have with her… Her italian is awesome too… At one moment she whispers to the google… “I understand everything you say”… Too sweet.

  6. Man, I miss my grandma.

    She had an Echo Dot and every morning I’d hear her say “good morning Alexis, how are you today?”

    She’d always have a story when I got home about what Alexa did today.

  7. It reminds me of trying to teach my my 93 year old grandmother to use Google to find stuff.

    Say “ok google”

    Her “ok Google please”

    Search results “please”

    I told her she doesn’t have to say please, just “ok google”.

    Her “There’s no excuse for bad manner”


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