My favorite video about PETA.

My favorite video about PETA.

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  1. Man, people who care about animals and their ethical treatment are such losers. They’re so pathetic we have to make up completely ridiculous straw-man caricatures because deep down we know they’re right and have no legitimate criticisms.


  2. Speaking for most vegans, PETA maybe 50% represents us, 50% doesn’t, yet we’re all sick of listening to people harp on about PETA like they’re the antichrist. People feign like they care about PETA kill shelters while doing nothing to help out the animals in shelters (including other kill shelters that for some reason none of them care about) – or much less, doing something to change their own consumer habits to actually be more ethical. All anyone is doing is a “tu quoque” accusing PETA of being hypocrites to ignore the very real problems with their own actions and beliefs that PETA (sometimes) raises. It’s like a big straw man for people to attack vegans without actually having to confront what vegans are about. And it’s getting seriously fucking ridiculous this week with the Steve Irwin thing, the only reason anyone cares is because they said something bad about a random TV celebrity.

    edit: Oh look, they downvoted me. Hard truth to swallow huh.

  3. I’m vegetarian, have been for nearly half of my 34 years of life. I used to defend PETA, way back when I was a teenager. I believed they did good. Now? They do way more harm than good. They’re an awful organization that stopped caring about animal rights and started fighting for publicity instead. All of this shit is for publicity. What do they do with that publicity to help animals? Fuck all. What do they even do anymore? For all I know all the money they get goes right in to the pockets of those in charge.

    If you want to fight for animal rights, do it your damn self and do what you think is right. Fuck all these “altruistic” organizations and just do what’s right by you. Shouting from the mountain top that you’re better than everyone who consumes animal products will just alienate everyone else and create a barrier. Friends of mine have become interested in being vegetarian because I never judge anyone and I rarely talk about my dietary habits. A buddy of mine was vegan for 10 months just for shits because he was curious. I did more in that year for animal rights than PETA did just because I was a cool bro. Fuck PETA.

  4. I remember seeing this episode when it came out, that ending made me crack up so hard, South Park and its writers are fucking hardcore realists who say everything were all thinking. And I love it.


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