Plum Torte: The Original Viral Recipe? | Vaughn Vreeland | NYT Cooking

Follow along with our video producer Vaughn Vreeland as he cooks his way through one of The New York Times’s most classic recipes: Marian Burros’s Plum Torte. The Times published the recipe in the newspaper every September from 1983 until 1989, which the editors determined would be the last year they printed it. They received lots of angry letters from readers as a result. If you’d like to try it, fear not, you can access the recipe right here:




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All the food that’s fit to eat (yes, it’s an official New York Times production).

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Comment (40)

  1. My mother-in-law is very allergic to gluten, and my father-in-law is lactose intolerant. But they have an Italian plum tree on their farm, so I knew I had to find a way to make this torte for them. I substituted the flour with Namaste flour and the butter with non-dairy butter, and it turned out beautifully. I was so glad I was able to share it with them.

  2. Years ago this recipe was in the paper using green tomatoes sliced thinly lay on top of cake batter and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. After baking it tastes like apples you would never know it was green tomatoes! Absolutely delicious!

  3. I can’t remember a single word this man said. Like I would fail a multiple choice test if there was one at the end of this video.

    Please wear a bag over your head and a potato sack. Your attractiveness is distracting me from educational opportunities!

  4. Thank you, thank you, thank you 🙏🏻
    I have tried several times to get around signing up for NYT cooking.
    It is way more delicious watching it. Oh, did I mention seeing the variations was informative? Cast iron pan here I come 🏃

  5. Has anyone tried this using part almond flour (instead of semolina)? I LOVE all things almond-flavored, so I think I'd also add some almond extract to the batter along with the lemon zest. Thoughts?

  6. You are using the wrong plums! The recipe calls for Italian plums, which are available only in late summer — really early September. Really, this is an embarrassment for the Times!

  7. I love this recipe with our yard's triple crown blackberries – with brown butter, lemon zest, sub in some brown sugar and make a crumble topping ala good coffee cake. Then I gild the lily by spritzing it with jasmine blossom water after baking. I've been surprised by how much fruit this can take! This torte taught me to love baked fruit.

  8. Converted the recipe to grams if anyone else doesn't use cups.
    (3/4 sugar = 150g, 1 cup = 200g), (113.4g butter), (100g Egg) (120g Flour), (4g Baking Powder), (2.4g salt)

  9. Ha! I made one of these last week following the original recipe. I use a rectangular pan and cover the entire surface with plums alternating face up/face down. The up/down is sometimes dependent on how ripe my plums are. They’re often a bit underripe but bake up well anyways. I also get lots of plums per serving my way 🙂 This actually bakes up quite well in my toaster oven.

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