Probably the most eerily accurate parody of a Let’s Play YouTuber I’ve ever seen

Probably the most eerily accurate parody of a Let’s Play YouTuber I’ve ever seen

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  1. I dont like Lets plays even more than I dont like streaming.

    Im really in to editing and creative ideas, Kinda like this. So the thought of an unedited 9 hour play through of a video game sends chills up my back. At least in a stream there is a chance of interaction and less of a fake persona put on but lets plays… ugh.

  2. The only let’s play youtuber that I like is RadBrad. If there’s ever a game that I’m thinking about buying I check it out on his channel. He’s chill, not over-the-top and pays attention to his fanbase.

  3. I lost it at “I’m so excited!…. all the time…”. That’s what weird about a lot of ‘Let’s play’ Youtubers. They are so excited for the whole 10 minutes to 1 hour of footage in which they record themselfs play a game. They might even cut a couple of minutes off the raw footage. So who knows how long they push themselfs to seem excited. It must be very exhausting after a short while.

  4. I really wonder what’ll happen 15-20 years from now when all these streamers and youtubers are 40 years old and have no appeal anymore and little to no career prospects. Sure, some of them will be able to move on to new things, but it’s becoming an increasingly large pool of people who are basically self-employed and earning a living on a timer.

  5. I have never seen one of these videos but I heard so…gaddamned many. Literally they all sound like the same video. Everybody is Tay Zonday close to the microphone. Its just

  6. He missed the “so, uuh, what do I do now? (20 minutes of backtrack) OH SHIT GUYS THE WAY TO GO WAS THROUGHT THIS DOOR LIT WITH NEON LIGHTS, WHO WOULD’VE THOUGHT” part. I’ll give it a Dunko/10

  7. It’s your boy, GAAME BOOY!

    This has been my favorite video of Jakey since I’ve seen it and was struck how accurate it is. It’s interesting, because it’s very different from the other videos he usually makes.

  8. anyone else playing too much pubg and feel oddly uncomfortable when the uncharted footage starts? expecting him to crash to dead stop with little stupid umbrella he hits?

  9. I don’t watch a lot of LPers anymore, but when I did, there was usually never face cam. I watched Minecraft (yeah yeah) for the most part so there was Yogscast and davidangel64 (more widely known as X), then later various members of the group Mindcrack (you literally can’t be more chill than Ethoslab). I like nerdcubed as well.

    There are LOTS of super chill and intelligent LP/gaming channels out there, but the ones that appeal to kids like Toby, Markiplier, and Pewdiepie get more attention.

  10. You clearly haven’t watched the “Lets Play” channel then. They make good content that doesn’t revolve shenanigans like this because they play off of each other.

  11. He’s not wrong at the level of energy needing to be shown in the video. As well as the type of personality that does get the views did stem from outputting that level of excitement. He’s also not wrong at the core of it, the average streamer or youtuber all they end up doing is reacting. Which honestly is what the average person wants.

    Not to mention the average person making let’s play content doesn’t go the extra mile of doing things like in depth research on the game or the development stream because they don’t have the budget or the time to do it. So you just replace it with whatever superficial content you can offer.

    Only last thing is knowing your audience. Which this archtype pulls because we now live in a real life jackass/reality show generation. They have grown up with the cult of personality that some would literally want to cause harm to another person because of petty conflict with another youtuber. Children eat this content up because it takes them out of their mundane life knowing someone is living what is actually an artificial dream captured that doesn’t actually show the real mundane life of that youtuber.

  12. Glad this isn’t like the Let’s Play channel I watch. They never ask for likes, subs, or anything like that. They know if you like their content you will subscribe. Also they aren’t super excited about almost all their LPs, since they made a name for themselves playing bad games and making fun or being perplexed by the choices.

    Two Best Friends Play, keep on keeping on.

  13. I want someone to make a parody of people cynically parodying other people on youtube because they don’t like their content.

    I never understood why people have problems with Lets players or other channels like that, if someone enjoys it whats the problem?

    Odds are your content won’t hit that audience anyway.

  14. I would say this is how I view most streamers and most gamer based youtube channels.

    I respect very few channels and only the ones not acting fake… gotta keep it real or it comes off as awkward to me.

  15. The ending is accurate too. Finally the tuber making regular video and making regular keks then they start to tear apart and mixing their own stupid problems and they dissappear. I mean when jontron back to gamegrumps for fuck sake jon you ain’t making videos so be filmed atleast you freak.

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