Red letter media;Hackers – reView with Macaulay Culkin

Red letter media;Hackers – reView with Macaulay Culkin

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  1. Just want to say that the band Urban Dance Squad is featured playing “Good Grief” in this movie and it’s a complete banger.

    Anyone who likes Rage Against The Machine’s music then listen to their precursor.

  2. Gotta say McAuley Culkin is super knowledgeable and seems to have a photogenic memory, had no idea. I had this whole idea of him being really strange and odd, but he seems way more intelligent then I would have thought. Still a tiny bit strange but definitely a very well put together human who made it out of the Hollywood scene mentally and socially unscathed.

  3. This was really fantastic. I think I first saw Hackers in ’98 and thought it was SO. COOL. I lived out in the middle of no where and didn’t get a home computer until ’02, internet in ’06. Long story short: this movie made little me get a comp sci degree (not the ‘offish’ title) and the sound track is still pretty rad. Thanks ‘Hackers’. Ps: I primarily update POS systems now. Not as cool…but still kinda cool.

  4. We all knew, even back then, what a wild swing Hackers was. So what was great was the soundtrack, and the little bits here and there that were actually close to real life. The pc stats were real, though incredibly sad 2 years after the movie came out. they even talked about using Lenox, and they would have been talking about Mac if they wanted to just appear impressive.

    It was the first movie I ever heard Massive Attack in. The pay phone trick was real, and it blew people’s mind when they learned how easy it was. It’s just now, no one cares, and I don’t even know if 2600 is still a thing. I spent a lot of time on IRC…

  5. My high school computer science teacher made us watch this movie in her sweet old lady attempt at enlightening us to the future. Even back then in like 99-00 I thought this movie was cheesey as fuck

  6. Jesus. This was interesting because Culkin…but this other guy is an absolutely horrible interviewer. He was so unbelievably awkward and cringe-worthy that this was a bit hard to watch at times. I get that maybe that’s his thing, but come on. I feel like Culkin was able to hold the whole thing together and help the poor guy out just because he’s so experienced in interviews himself.


    Edit: Apparently others did not agree. I’m sorry, I wish nothing but the best for the interviewer. I just didn’t like his style of interviewing, I’m not into the whole “acting awkward for the sake of comedic effect” thing.

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