Super Mario Odyssey (dunkview)

Super Mario Odyssey (dunkview)

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  1. “It’s not great *because* you can become an onion, it’s great because *once* you become an onion, you notice how many possibilities you’ve just opened up”

    Great quote right there by the Dunk.

  2. I really appreciate that he takes his time reviewing. The game came out over a week ago but rather than join the race to dump a half-baked review first, he played it, thought about it, and that’s why I take his word above most other reviewers.

  3. Too many people are complaining that Super Mario Odyssey is too easy. Yes, *beating* the game is easy, but reaching every nook and cranny to beat the game to completion is pretty hard and ultimately pretty rewarding.

  4. It makes me so happy to see gamers celebrating Mario and Nintendo again. For a while there I was really scared gaming was going to become nothing but FPS multiplayer games where ten year olds curse at you, but Nintendo came back swinging and it feels like there’s real joy again.

  5. This game really is a knackstapiece. I had a ton of fun playing it from start to finish. Very very few bad moments. The movement is insanely fluid and the vast amount of movement options really brings me back to SM64 and Sunshine.

  6. This might be the only Mario game where I’ve legitimately teared up, and not just once but on a few different occasions. Much like Mario 64, this game is a gem, one we’ll still be talking about decades from now.

    And I won’t spoil the ending, but I will say it has one of the most incredible endings of a game I’ve played in *years*.

  7. I get so excited when he praises a game like this. Don’t get me wrong, I loooove all of his videos, but when he actually loves a game and goes into detail about how great it is, makes me all giddy inside for some reason.

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