* ATARI Memories *

Um trabalho divertido enquanto não tinha jobs para resolver. ATARI, track, Illustrator e After Effects CS6. Pra quem é da época do Atari 2600, boas lembranças! Pra quem não é, curtam o vídeo! Likes: 32 Viewed: 1662 source

David Lamkins on Early Atari 2600 Video Game Development – PDXCUG.org

David Lamkins, former Atari 2600 video game developer, gives his story on what it was like back in the early days of video game development. Known as part of the “Gang of Five”, he and four of his colleagues “defected” to work for Activision after working at Parker Brothers. With his involvement in Frogger, Spider-Man […]

Games to watch 034 Games to watch #34: Gamesters U

Woohoo! «Gamester.tv»-Chefredaktor Raphael testete in Frankfurt ausgiebig die Wii und zahlreiche Starttitel der neuen Nintendo Konsole. In einem XXL-Bericht zeigen wir Euch das Beste daraus. Während Raphaels Abwesenheit wurden die anderen Redaktionsmitglieder überrascht von dem grössten Handheld-Gerät aller Zeiten – 3DS-XL. Nintendos portables Monster nehmen wir in der 34. Ausgabe von «Games to watch» ebenfalls […]