The Iconic Dollar Pizza Slice of NYC – Street Food Icons

Eli and Oren Halali, the two brothers who founded 2 Bros Pizza, sell slices for a buck. They’re known for getting their patrons in and out of the store within ten seconds, and for selling hundreds of pies a day. And they’re certainly not the only people in the dollar-slice game in New York City.

Ever since the Great Recession in 2008, dollar-slice spots started popping up all over Manhattan because people were in desperate need of a quick and cheap food option. Now there are more than 80 dollar-slice spots on the streets of New York. People gravitate to dollar slice because it’s quick, easy, cheap, filling—and the slices themselves are pretty damn good considering the price.

But, according to pizza historian Scott Wiener, dollar slices may be on the way out…so get them while you can!

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Comment (36)

  1. I've never seen so many people collectively hate a person as much as these comments hate Scott. He just has that personality that makes you wanna push him infront of a bus.

  2. That's a fact 2 bros has the best slices ever I live like right next to st.marks and that is the best pizza I've ever had no joke and you sprinkle some spice or parmesan on it's the best I could order a whole pie right now.

  3. It makes sense that he has the profession of a pizza enthusiast with a last name like that…maybe he should start trying out different types of hot dogs..maybe people will respect his opinions then

  4. Dear Scott Weiner, I know you're not a native, but now that you live in NYC, and a guy who has a show on pizza, please, for the love of God stop saying "cheese pizza". No self respecting New Yorker calls it a cheese slice. It's a slice. "Plain" or "regular" if you must specify no toppings. Sorry, but that really drives me nuts.

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