The One Survival Gadget 2020 YOU SHOULD HAVE

The one survival gadget you should have for 2020 is UCO emergency candle lantern.

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Comment (34)

  1. Wranglerstar. From your comments on a few of your videos you sound like your in the Portland Metro area. You can get them from REI. In the past REI and UCO had some nice accessories back in the 1980's. I have from them a neoprene "cocoon" for the single lamp and a bunting bag/sack that came as a kit with a single lamp and a bag of 3-candles, they also had a reflector that hangs on the side to throw light "forward" then they had a two piece "lamp shade" to throw light down oh they are both for the single candle lamps. Oh they also had beeswax candles and citronella candles by the UCO company and from my personal opinion the beeswax ones last as long but the light is more yellow and not as bright but the citronella candles I didn't like them. I had one sitting on a picnic table at crater lake it was a cool night light jacket type of temp and they melted thru the "window" made a big mess. I contacted UCO on it and they gave me the run around saying that it must have been to hot.

  2. I propose a test. Make a mold of the UCO candle and make some candles using the mold like beeswax, parafin etc. And then test runtime differences. It would be nice to know you could make your own in a pinch and hoe long home made ones might last

  3. Well done sir, I too miss that old FS-esqu gear. Everything had a purpose and was well built.
    God's love letters to us does say not to live in fear; but to be watchful and prepared. Knowledge is the best tool. You guys have taught me so much! (now to go practice it)

  4. I love that you play no craft with you son
    Nothing meant more to me that when my dad would take the time to play a coulee games of halo or other game with me, it show that he really cares about what I like doing and wants to spend time doing it with me

  5. love the guy from Serbia and his story cody . i tell people about that guys story all the time . needs and wants essential and non essential . simple paper plates . cleaning supplies , medical supplies, spare clothing, weapons for self defense . others go through things so we dont or so we can learn from them for when it does happen to our families and us . God bless and watch your 6. from the walkers in Chattanooga TN.

  6. I've got a brass UCO that I got in Seattle 30 years ago. I've loved it that whole time. Solo camping, one might think one candle is not enough, but it is. Get the pac-flat reflector. Your eyes get used to the light/dark. The beeswax candles last longer, don't melt in heat so easy. I think they are worth a couple of extra dollars. The UCO is a wonderful tool.

  7. Ok, before I watch this any further I have to say I bought one of those single candle lanterns and I'm not hugely impressed.
    Ive taken it camping once. I barely got through HALF a candle and the top has a thick layer of soot, and all the glass went black.
    Also they seem to have a very specific candle size. Not a common or standard candle. Replacements seem to only be found through UCO, and they're expensive. I think $30 for a 3 pack.


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