These "HEALTHY" Foods Are KILLING Your Energy | Dr. Steven Gundry on Healthy Theory

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The chaos that can get unleashed on your body from your diet is so important to understand. Having low energy and brain fog is not only frustrating but it feels debilitating as well. I’ve had my own recent experience with low energy that had me questioning if I had lost my drive. Starting with my diet and realizing pecans were causing my energy to feel so low was shocking for me. Dr. Steven Gundry’s latest book, The Energy Paradox, reveals what’s taking place on a cellular level that was affecting the body’s energy. He joins me to unpack how significant gut health is to your immune system and brain. We get into the chaos leaky gut causes and how you can make better choices to restore your energy. Even if you have a healthy diet, Dr. Gundry, a cardiothoracic surgeon, will surprise you.

Order Dr. Gundry’s new book, The Energy Paradox:


0:00 | Introduction to Dr. Gundry
1:11 | What is the energy paradox?
4:36 | Chaos from Leaky Gut
7:21 | Activating Immune System
10:37 | Inevitable Leaky Brain
16:54 | 3 components breaking the gut lining
21:02 | Effect of fat on the gut lining
23:07 | Saturated fats in your diet
24:13 | Carnivore diet & fat
26:37 | Post Biotics from the microbiome
30:28 | How gas signals plaque control in arteries
31:43 | Dr. Gundry starts seeing diet as a cure
36:18 | Mitochondria’s traffic jam of energy
39:45 | Eat for your Microbiome not taste

“believe it or not in the American diet 24 hours a day, we’re causing leaky gut we’re assaulting our immune system, […] just from fat, we are just a giant ball of inflammation.” [18:54]

“So if we look at energy production, as literally cars moving down through a freeway, it’s no wonder that even though we’re eating huge amounts of calories, we have no energy because we literally log jam the mitochondria.” [38:29]

“You’ve got to eat for your gut microbiome first, and you have to choose foods that they want to eat. And if you do that, they will take care of you.” [40:09]

“We die, we get diseases, by breaks in the wall of our gut that start this process” [41:05]

“If you begin to gradually restrict the time you eat down to about six to eight hours a day, you will develop much better functioning mitochondria, you’ll actually have a better gut wall because you’re not working on digestion. 24 hours a day. And you’re gonna protect your brain.” [41:57]

Guest Bio: Dr. Steven Gundry is an American doctor and author. He is a former cardiac surgeon and currently runs his own clinic, investigating the impact of diet on health. Gundry conducted cardiac surgery research in the 1990s and was a pioneer in infant heart transplant surgery, and is a New York Times best-selling author of The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in “Healthy” Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain. He is best known for his disputed claims that lectins, a type of plant protein found in numerous foods, cause inflammation resulting in many modern diseases.

About The Author

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Comment (49)

  1. Oh you poor humans. Your sliver of time to exist as so miniscule. You really should live it up and experience all you can. This is all you get. This is your heaven. But you are not immortal. On a side note, soon your descendants will become immortal. You will soon learn to upload your Consciousness into the digital Realm. Then you will be able to come mingle with truly intelligent species. Don't worry, we're not going to eat you. But we're definitely not going to eat the crap this guy is telling you to. When you experience an extremely complex virtual world your mind will explode. But that's okay it will just be a virtual explosion. You Dingle dorks right now our Stepping Stones for your descendents that will appreciate all your hard work to develop a system where digital immortality will become a reality. Remember to eat flavorful and live flavorful. Ti adoro.

  2. i am always put off by any well known or not well know speaker who doesnt start their talk by thanking the person who introuduced them or acknowledge the viewers listening to them first thing before they start talking.

  3. I did carnivore for a month to reset my gut and in hopes of healing severe celiac disease. I’ll probably never be 100% but resetting my gut, taking time to research the right supplements and doing fasting in there with it did a lot for me. Working on adding foods back in slowly and will forever do an autoimmune style keto. I don’t miss sweets or carbs much anymore. I’m going back to the gym after three months of prioritizing gut health and reproductive health by quitting birth control. So excited to gain muscle and be healthier than ever!

  4. Deceiving advertisement of pu'erh tea… Once you put the hot water over any tea, everything dies. You remain with caffeine, traces of minerals and maybe some antioxidants. End of story…

  5. That older man seems a bit naive with regard to what you can actually come right out and tell people in a work setting. I'm 51 so a gen x but it's not that long ago since I was trying to let people know what simply wasn't possible while still remaining professional and not over sharing. The ''millenial'' could have just had a miscarriage. Her toddler could have been up all night vomiting. Who knows, you can't tell everybody everything because they judge.

  6. I have been on my couch or in bed for the past few days, suffering with ZERO energy.
    Then Tom mentions his experience with pecans. I just bought a bag of them to add to my daily organic salad meal for some diversity. This was my ah-ha moment! I knew it must be something I was eating, but could not pin point it!
    Thank you for this info and however I stumbled across this video.
    Bye bye pecans!

  7. Thank you. I have had a debilitating illness for 10 years they has made me so sick every single day. It has destroyed my life in every way. I watched one of you interviews with Dr Gundry and 5 days ago I removed lectins from my diet. This has changed my life. In 5 days I am a different person. I am so eternally grateful to Dr. Gundry, and so grateful to you Tom for being him on your program. Please interview him again and again. This can change many people's lives.

  8. All these videos with someone saying what is good or bad for you eat. Everyone contradicts the other one. Fats are good, fats are bad, only eat meat, don't eat meat lol. It's all BS, honestly. Just don't eat a lot of sugar and junk food, done.

  9. I am done listening to health experts who don't themselves look very healthy. This guy is more of a brand than a doctor or scientist. He sells books and supplements on his website. In this interview he raises lots of alarms but withholds real solutions except so suggest intermittent fasting. My impression is that he's treating this interview as an ad for his books and products.

  10. Pushes olive oil because he sells olive oil. Doesn’t mention much of the olive oil in the market is deliberately contaminated with seed oils. Find a better source than Gundry.

  11. Stefan bringt es auf den Punkt – Bei diesem Irrsinn zu behaupten, man habe wissenschaftliche Studien durchgeführt, ist absolut krank im Kopf 🤬

    ➡️ Die Adjuvantien, fälschlicherweise als Hilfsstoffe in Impfstoffen bezeichnet, sind unheimlich gefährlich

    ➡️ Keine einzige mRNA-Impfung hat jemals in Tierversuchen funktioniert – IM GEGENTEIL!

    ➡️ In allen Impfstoffstudien werden keine Placebo-Studien durchgeführt – In der Placebogruppe sind die sogenannten Adjuvantien (Hilfssubstanzen) immer enthalten.

    ➡️ Diese Studien werden in den ärmsten Ländern durchgeführt, bei denen keiner etwas mitbekommt.

    Einfügung (JWD): Wenn die von Dr. Jane Ruby präsentierte Meldung, – "UAL-Forscher in Spanien decken die tatsächlichen Inhaltsstoffe im Pfizer-Biontech Impfstoff auf" – zutrifft, dann bestehen die Corona-Impfstoffe fast zu 100% aus Adjuvantien in Form von Graphenoxid-Nanopartikeln. Was wiederum klar macht, dass die Reise in Richtung "Transhumanismus", zu menschlichen Robotern gehen soll.
    "Jede der sechs Impfdosen aus der Impfstoffflasche bestand zu 99,99203% (747 ng) aus0176 23631283 Graphenoxid. Der Rest war RNA 0,00797% (6 ng).there is no Virus, it is the injection v4

  12. It's really TROUBLING that you had this charlatan on your show! Dr. Gundry has been fully debunked by the scientific community. Your ability to get fooled by snake oil salesmen is startling and I will be extremely cautious with your podcast from now on.

  13. Using Apple AirPods to listen to his own recordings from the phone and then just repeat while the purple microphone captures the audio. Helps a lot! Well done

  14. I had an autoimmune disorder for 25 years and I cured it! They say avocados are healthy fat. Avocado oil is poison for me. Organic extra virgin cold pressed olive oil is the only exception. It's antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Even coconut oil isn't good for you, except maybe for the occasional teaspoon of MCT oil which is derived from coconut oil. You do need a bit of oil and fat in your diet for your fat soluble vitamins to get absorbed most efficiently into your bloodstream. It's easily accomplished by making homemade Italian dressing using organic extra virgin olive oil. I conquered an autoimmune disorder by doing this, and going on a Paleo diet, BUT THE WINNER COMBO was that it also included considerations from the blood type diet because You are your ancestors! That was THE ticket for me after trying every other diet out there, and literally almost dying. Pay attention to your blood type people! I think that is the missing link for all the people complaining they've tried so many diets and they don't work. What is medicine for one person, is poison for another..Once you start to heal, you can even eat foods you were previously allergic to as long as they fall into the range of your blood type allowed foods. Once in awhile you can eat foods that are considered poison for you, as long as you are balancing out with the foods that are considered medicine it kind of reverses any damage. This has been my experience. Balance is the key, but it's balance according to your blood antigen and what foods are least likely to cause an inflammatory and antibody response when you eat them, which in turn messes up your gut flora! Feed your gut flora! I am type O, so bananas feed my gut flora whereas my husband who is type A feels spacey when he eats them. For type a, bananas are listed as poison as they interact with the blood antigen. Even though my husband is not technically allergic to them, you can tell he is having an inflammatory response which causes cellular damage and messes up the gut microbiome. They talk about resistant starch to feed your healthy bacteria, but you have to find YOUR resistant starch. I have been sick for over 25 years and just recently totally cured from following this. The blood type diet WORKS.

  15. I bought some of Dr Gundry supplements. They contain magnesium stearate which is known to mess up your microbiome! This is an outdated practice to stop the machines that fill the capsules from sticking. Use rice powder for God's sake! A total contradiction to everything he is preaching. I was furious! Whatever you do, buy your microbiome supporting supplements elsewhere!!

  16. Not at good as the Eric Berg vids which are MUCH shorter, get immediately to the point and lots of content. This current one by Dr Gundry has lots of padding

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