This kid could be a country music star but he only posted 8 songs over a 4 year period and then stopped. Don’t give up on your dreams kids.

This kid could be a country music star but he only posted 8 songs over a 4 year period and then stopped. Don’t give up on your dreams kids.

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  1. Anyone else trying out their best google-fu and not really coming up with anything on this guy? I thought “maybe I can find him, come back to reddit with the heartwarming story that he’s touring with Toby Keith” or some shit.

    But nope, I got basically nothing. Hawaii, that’s as far as I got.

  2. What makes you think that making it in country music has anything to do with talent? It’s all about looks and he looks too much like a brown person for country music fans to get behind without making their brains hurt.

  3. Who’s to say that he didn’t just start a band and stopped posting solo stuff? Maybe he’s moved to another platform. Maybe he’s content playing at bars and not filming his stuff anymore. You really don’t know these things and it’s kind of unfair to say that he gave up on his dreams.

  4. I would think this was posted influenced by the guy in the video. Like to promote it.

    Also, I think a baby would really be happy if he sang that to it.

    And I’m happy to see there’s a shirt like that–where the strips keep going onto the sleeve that way.

  5. How many giant music stars even got their start from youtube? Only one I know of is Justin Bieber, and even he got discovered in a more traditional way by Usher happening to see him play a gig.

  6. Instead of giving up, hold onto your ridiculous hope of making it in an industry designed by nepotism, struggle to make ends meet, and die poor and still unfulfilled because, you know, it’s a nepotistic industry

  7. This guy is good, but the music industry is a tough nut to crack. Not everyone wants to give their life up to go on tour, have everything about them exposed to the public eye, and open themselves up to bombardment of criticism. Some people just like to sing and share that with others in their own way. Mad respect.

  8. Pretty sure he’s not white enough to be a country music star. Country music fans only rarely accept black people with good music. That skin color wouldn’t work at all.

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