Vietnam Street Food: $1 Mexican Tacos

■ SAIGON, VIETNAM: The variety of food on offer in the bustling streets of Saigon, Vietnam’s biggest city, is second to none. Everything is on offer in all price ranges. Still one of the last things I expected to encounter on my Saigon street food hunt was an American making Mexican food in Vietnam! THIS I had to try…. so how was the tacos and what did they cost? And do people in the streets of Saigon recognize me? This and more in today’s episode.

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Comment (39)

  1. Have you saved money from a job from home and just travelling or do you rely on youtube do any youtubers explain this or can anyone on comments explain please

  2. The lady in the background on the phone be like let my husband do all the work while I play my games. While he is at it let him pick up the dirty plates on the customers table as well. Better yet let the customer pick up the mess for us. Smart lady lol.

  3. since i showed my mom your travel videos she gives me no rest.always wanting to watch more and more.she ocupied my pc.well its your videos and mister balds.tho she so far prefer your videos over balds.

  4. That's embarrassing… The lady should have took initiative . And she's sitting over there with a split in her skirt thinking she's looking cute , her house looks the same way… There's nothing worse than a lazy nasty woman … Eww

  5. What the hell is Mexican tacos doing in Vietnam. Tacos were not invented in Vietnam. They stole the idea. I'm so sick of everybody stealing Mexican food ideas and making it their own. White men's favorite combo: Mexican tacos wih an Asian wife. Why don't you eat dog tacos since your in Vetnam.

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