What’s wrong with our food system | Birke Baehr | TEDxNextGenerationAsheville

Birke Baehr -“what’s Wrong With Our Food System? And How Can We Make A Difference?”


Video by: Twin Path Productions

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Comment (46)

  1. Theres no such thing as "happy" meat. Sorry kid you're delusional… Theres not enough grazing land to feed the 12 billion (yes billion) people there are going to be on the planet. "Organic" foods actually still use pesticides that are much more toxic than traditional meat farms such as arsenic and copper which (BTW) can make you develop tumors as well. "Organic" foods are not that great at all in reality: If we were to use "all natural" farms we would have to destroy nearly all the remaining rainforests and clear land to grow un-efficient organic food simply because we cannot use synthetic fertilizers that allow us to grow more food more sustainably…
    I wish people would step aside sometimes and let scientists solve our problems just like they always have: You are the problem, not the solution. And as hard as that is to tell an 11 year old child there is a reason we don't have 20 year old presidents…

  2. You need something done you let ADULTS do it,
    You want something done RIGHT YOU LET A CHILD DO IT!
    And he is ONLY 11 years old and ADULTS jobs ARE TO PROTECT

  3. And that apathetic conclusion (disease and cancer are just part of old age nowadays) isn't satisfied with claiming the middle-aged and elderly. It seeks after the 20-somethings and 30-somethings, too.
    My wife may end up in the 5%-ile someday. She has been stalked and encircled about by this lie as well since childhood, since she truly has been dealt a bad hand. I truly believe the decision still largely lies with her, and that my loving support will help her play her cards as best she can

  4. Cute and brazen young man right there!

    I really enjoyed his to-the-point, no BS presentation. The fact he adores Joel Salatin is enough to know his talk is legitimate. And the take-home message is absolutely true: You pay the Farmer (for a seasonal variety of quality, pure food) or you pay the Hospital (who can only keep you away from the hospital or doctor's office for a few years, at best, if you choose to still not pay the farmer from that point on).

    There's so much self deception out there about health. In my country, of the 95% of those whose health needs can totally be met by their proper life-style choices (sadly, some cities are so polluted that it is a nearly-irredeemable choice health-wise to even live there), far too many of them are hiding behind the 5% of people who truly need frequent medication/surgery, claiming themselves a part of that minority. They console themselves, and demand more "healthcare" coverage, largely at the expense of their neighbor insurance payers (and in some countries, neighbor taxpayers), and are buying the lie that diseases and cancer are, for almost all people, unavoidable realities of old age.

  5. If young boy tries to analize difficult information, and he tell you, that he understood world problems, you shouldn't believe him, probably he lies. There are no proofs, that GMO are toxic for animals, but there many facts of toxicity of aflatoxin and many other substances, which we can obtain from froots and vegetables grown with "organic methods". In addition, "organic" food is not enough to feed 7 billions of people…

  6. It is refreshing to see a young person so well informed, confident, enthusiastic and engaged in his own surroundings. In todays society it is sad to say that others his age think that food is actually only sourced and grown in the supermarkets. When did it all become so complicated? Irrelevant of the rights and wrongs of both sides, I always stick with the basic principles. You plant a seed, that seed grows the food I can eat and nature provides any protection to make that food healthy and nutritional. I do not need my food to last for weeks or months or to see more of the world than me. Maybe going back to basics is what will save us in the end.

  7. Everything he says about GMO is not true. There is no evidence that GMO is harmful to humans. But with that technology we can make amazing things. GMO can reduce a amount of water needed to produce a plant, we can grow more in less space and lot more.

  8. Sounds great but there's no way all animals could be farmed grass fed and organic. There's too much demand and not enough land. Veganism is the only way forward if we want to live healthy lives, free from factory farming.

  9. Too bad he said nothing about the high cost in resources to exploit animals for meat and dairy. Or the cancer, heat disease, and diabetes eating animal products are responsible for.

  10. in some point GMO has also side effects but it is more beneficial than nothing. it is something makes situation worst if it's not apply properly. at the end of the day it still depending on people on how they manage GMO aside from it's financial and agricultural benefits. like what he says we must know first our foods.

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