$2 Burgers in Harlem – Street Food Icons

$2 Burgers in Harlem – Street Food Icons

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Comment (18)

  1. Witnessing Leroy’s bond with his community, and simple affordable business model was amazing. Keeping his prices low enough for local kids, the way he cherishes his life, all of this story; so awesome. We could all learn to be more like this gentleman; Charitable, disciplined, and loving. Made my day!

  2. He estimates he does 300 burgers, 100 hotdogs and 75 sausages every day.

    He’s making $600 off burgers, $150 on hotdogs and 168.75 from sausages. Just on food alone, hes making close to $1000 a day. Then you add on the drinks, hes probably raking in at least $1500 per day. Thats $45,000 per month…….


    Edit: ITT a bunch of /r/iamverysmart idiots bashing me for something I never said. I never once mentioned “profit”. I was simply talk about how much money he is making per month. Cute little brigade you got there…

  3. What a wholesome guy. Sure he’s making money, but man… I can’t remember a good 2 dollar burger in my entire life. BK burgers are not “good”

  4. Props to this man but the patty doesn’t look good..it looks like a moist brownie texture. I also looked at the website for Plymouth Beef and what is shown in the video is no where close to the website’s photo.

  5. ~~I wonder if his spot goes up for auction, and if so, how much it’s worth.~~

    Street vendor licences are insane in NY. [Here’s the typical click bait video covering it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzWDXhXkEQQ), and here’s a [NY Times article that cuts out most of the bullshit the video has.](https://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/05/nyregion/the-six-figure-price-tag-for-selling-a-two-dollar-hot-dog.html)

    First paragraph from the NY Times:

    >Call it the half-million-dollar hot dog cart. Mohammad Mastafa of Astoria, Queens, has to sell almost that much in drinks and snacks annually to break even on the pushcart he owns at Fifth Avenue and East 62nd Street near the Central Park Zoo. He pays the city’s parks department $289,500 a year just for the right to operate his single cart there.

    Edit: Video stated that only park Street Vendor licences go out for auction, everywhere else is a very long waiting list.

  6. $2 is cheap even for my country where fast food is usually overpriced due to being regarded as “fancy food”. for $2 i’m not sure a business could even survive here unless i get crazy amounts of traffic to the food cart.


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