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  1. 1:54 this isn't very safe because if your in a police chase then you are most likely on a freeway or just anywhere with a lot of cars. So this could accidentally catch another car instead of the intended target because of how wide the net is. Also, normally in car chases you will be driving recklessly trying to catch the criminal so this raises the chance of the net catching another car because you would be swerving in and out of traffic. Yes people normally pull over to get out of the way of the police car but still, the criminal could go right in front of a slowing down car causing the police car with the net to catch the innocent instead of the criminal.

  2. It was hilarious to hear them say that little scooter can autonomously “chase and keep up with” a suspect: 🙄🙄
    Police Chief: We almost caught that murderous escaped prisoner! HOW DID HE GET AWAY?!!
    Robot operator: I’m sorry sir, the suspect jumped a 3 foot (almost a meter) fence…his parkour game was just too magnificent for our amazing technology.

  3. The drone can be ready to deploy in only 5 minutes? The bad guy is gone by then. All these videos of police and military gadgets are proof of just a bunch of R&D money wasted by people who want to play for a living on someone else's dime. There are very few viable ideas. That being said; has anyone seen the Dubai food processor, I mean Hoverbike.

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