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Mind Warehouse ►

1. Heated Blanket
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrMSlMNbASI https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW4gXUEypFeI3xgoQ27LFBA

2. Electronic Cigarette
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GJ_Vkp03h8 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjqvOe1iPIDskkcXb0VC2IQ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPJxBRxLIfs https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzYD0uh0SAdR9HXFXuE82ZQ

3. Samsung Galaxy Note7
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWR6G-uFxzk https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZoSJwDTmlIl3DuLmm8fSwQ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wTsJKBiEsQ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZoSJwDTmlIl3DuLmm8fSwQ

4. Laser pointer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iI7Qq1mYQlI https://www.youtube.com/user/RussiaToday/videos?disable_polymer=1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNxm4te4yWI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNxm4te4yWI

5. Fidget Spinner
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5PRXaWAyfQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5PRXaWAyfQ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJfCijkDpgw https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJYbvxZ-2A_s2eJ3lMqG2MA

6. Spy Pen
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9nvv1-TapY https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLPLXIrkR5xgRkyBgwTtYrQ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gTc5dNdk8Q https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLdjl_nRKMZapSVTopfAFtA

7. Mini magnetic balls
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SH6WT4yknko https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ4tw2j06r7-M_ZkfP4ideA

8. BlackBerry
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Wrqf2MKLUs https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdE9Q5PAAzN331hpOtmqkWA
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFreYEKBmlU https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdE9Q5PAAzN331hpOtmqkWA
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHOUnXTPcl8 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEOq2jHEDjBCPs-MMQQi3Zg

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Comment (46)

  1. this video is sooo bad. vapes are banned cause ther are the same thing as cigaretes and slot people dont like when some one is smoking in buss train.. it was decided to ban it synce alot of them were blowing up right in the face. .2 Why blanket was banned i dont know i gues society. is not smart enough. 3. Samsung note was baned cause the battery was blowing up out of nowwhere (sam as vaping) so it was banned – simple yo. 4. Laser was banned cause stupid people were using it for fun againts other people simple. 5. fidget spiner were banned well maybe in usa synce weird things happens in that country. 6 pen camerra bann? well had no idea im happy i live in country with more freedom where i can light up fireworks at any day not only new year. 7 WHoo neo cubes were banned : o Oh no wonder its USA (one of moust restricted country in world where the ban kindersuprice synce people are not smart enought not to eat plastic toys). Australia and new zeland ban them as well. well you have more freedom in china.. 8. Blackberry banned well well i was hoping it be USA buth they probobly hacked it ways to the system long ago so only arabic countrees did that and china with india. cause society like to control people

  2. Airliner windshields are unintentionally made in a certain way such that when a green laser hits them, the entire windshield turns green. (At least, that's what I gathered from something I saw on TV.)

  3. the way you speak of vaping is incorrect , sir.
    I and many others have completely left cigs behind, in favor of vaping nicotine vape juice.
    It's important to mention : Cigarettes kill over 480,000/year in US alone… "E-liquid" kills none.
    Contaminants in black market THC vape cartridges have killed >20.
    Black markets are made larger when countries/states/governments pass laws to make vaping illegal and/or more unaccessible.

  4. would have subscribed up until the point of misinformation you have provided you clearly have not done your research on vaping .. i am 5 years into vaping i quit smoking and now use 0 nicotine liquids as i enjoy the flavors

  5. Just a Thought But Who In The Hell has the right to tell me or u that we dont/cant have the right to have something that some Dumbass thinks we shouldnt ! doesnt this bother any one else or what ? If im a dumb ass an get hurt then it woud be on me but no one should b able to tell any one what they can or cant have/do This Is Still a FREE COUNTRY Brave Men & Women Have Died For This Right for us ! Have You For Got ?

  6. The government really went out there and said
    ‘We are hereby banning blackberry because we can’t stalk people using the phones.’

  7. This dummy has no idea what he's talking about. Green lasers have infrared filters installed because the older green laser technology is DPSS (diode pumped solid state). A process that involves starting with an infrared laser diode, more specifically an 808nm infrared laser diode. That light passes through an ND: YOV4 crystal, this crystal converts the 808nm infrared light into 1064nm infrared light. After this, the 1064nm infrared light passes through a potassium titanyl phosphate crystal (KTP crystal), which converts the 1064nm infrared light into 532nm green light. The infrared filters have nothing to do with how bright the GREEN light is, they are in there because the DPSS conversion process is so inefficient that a lot of infrared light ends up passing straight through the monolithic crystalline assembly and straight out the Laser's aperture, exposing you to loads of infrared light as well as green light. The infrared filter is there to block the unconverted infrared wavelengths from making it past the aperture of the laser.

  8. Your information of vaping is incredibly false. as we know alot more than what you eluded to and now possibly thanks to false hoods like yours smokers who look for excuses to stop failing at quitting may not try electronic cigarettes and are quite likely to die early from their habit. WHere if they had tried a personal vaporizer their body would have had a fighting chance to try and recover from the damage already done and would have no longer been inhaling all the toxic compounds that we know cause cancer. You know like everything that ISNT in Ejuice that they would use in a vape to quit smoking ! So I'm glad your need to speak as if you are actually presenting products that meet your video title, made you feel smart but sadly everything you said is not only false but dangerous with a billion smokers lives at stake. So Given the average number of smokers in north america being about 4- 5 % and that this video has been seen 1,095,086 times (at the time of my viewing) times, we can say 1.095.086 * 5% = 54,754 who might have lived a longer life should they have heard the correct information will now miss out on being there for the ones who love them and providing support for those they love.
    But please by all means don't worry yourself with the insults and accusations in the comments here. after all if I was right you wouldn't have heard what you've been hearing so much in the news right? its not like organizations like the CDC or the FDA or Government or even Media outlets would gain anything by lying to you about this. You just keep on living your life in blissful ignorance and forget about your neighbors or anyone else for that matter its not like they need you to be responsible with your content .

  9. Also.. 510 to 530nm's? Dude, you did ZERO homework on Laser wavelengths.. Most common Laser beam wavelengths vary from 405 – 650 nm, and green is NOT the rarest.. Yellow 589nm is… lmfao.. what a joke, how can I believe ANYTHING you say, after hearing you lie like that?

  10. Yes I do vape and if I considering that no one has actually died from vaping. Yeah I got your attention now let me explain it a little better would you put a little battery acid corrosion in with your drink. To answer that question I know you would but should your drink be banned because some battery acid was being placed in a few by the people who are drinking it. That's the same exact thing with vaping vitamin E acetate is an oil which is not supposed to be Vaped in the first place just like battery acid. But yet it's placed in Black Market marijuana cartridges. Which originally vaping wasn't supposed to be Vaped. Hence why I said no one has actually died from actual vaping they have died from vitamin E acetate being introduced into marijuana solution. Which again is not one of the ingredients or any of the ingredients that's in Vape Solutions. There are only 3 ingredients in Vapes 1 nicotine 2 propylene glycol which is a food additive and 3 vegetable glycerin derived from vegetables used as a sweetener in foods. Which means there are two ingredients that are placed in food that you eat ingest which are being used as an inhalant. Just thought I would drop some actual wisdom truth.

  11. I vape CBD oil.
    I own a 303 green laser from China, The lenses are garbage, I fixed mine with a Japanese Vivitar Camera lense in retaliation.
    She'll burn burn you at up to 12 inches away.
    Not bad just a 5mW

  12. People here working in Smoke shop said that in big countries like Europe and China Statistically there is not much bad complication if you follow to protocol how to use vapes. They should ban cigarettes not vapes… I think that the company thinks were stupid. But I can see threw the lies.

  13. The music is really bad. I had to stop the video. This music is on every video i have seen the last 6 months . not sure that is some type of automatic selection, but is unbearable. Terrible video.

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