Casually Explained: Cooking

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Yo boys I just got my new $300 Japanese knife and I’m ready to crack some coconuts.

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Comment (27)

  1. You know too much! A lot of your jokes and stereotypes are amazingly accurate.

    I just don't have tattoos.

    Meals I cook usually make one serving. Sometimes 2 or 3 in rare situations when my motivation to buy and cook exceeds my hunger


  2. My parents are chefs, all we eat on our day off is rice bro. We make fancy shit for ourselves maybe twice a month. I’m using the word fancy very loosely here.

  3. Protip: If you wanna cook good food, buy a cheap pan and a knife. You don't need that fancy expensive shit for a good meal. You'll pick up stuff as you practice more. Also just pick stuff at the market that's good enough. All the comments going "oooh but you need to pick the right ingredients and make sure to check if it's ripe". Nah if the tomato is red, go ahead and buy it. Don't worry about unnecessary bs.

  4. This basically sums up why I refuse to work for anything within the food industry. Personally I'd rather use what cooking talents I have to feed my loved ones.

  5. Cooking is easy: find a recipe, buy all your ingredients, probably twice because it IS in fact likely that you'll forget something, follow the recipe. Pay attention to what flavors you like and tweak the recipe to focus on those for the the next time you make it. Make your food for to goal of eating it, not showing off. Also, now I'm hungry.

  6. That expensive knife on a glass chopping board got me so hard.

    Been a chef this hurt me so much as i see idiots actually think glass chopping boards are legit. I remember someone wanting to borrow my global knife in a kitchen and i just death stared at them. My knife also gets sharpened at 15 degree angle for Japanese knives.

    This was a fun video. Lesson to all you wannabe chefs… DON’T!!!!!!
    ——🤬🥃 Whiskey is my coping mechanism from you idiot customers 🥃🤬——

  7. Just like everything else in life it's mind games cuz ppl are stupid, they'll only pay 10 dollars for the one but rearrange the plate and they'll pay 100+, if ppl used their brains they'd realize you can paint a tird gold but it's still a tird….

  8. The fact about the tire compagny is 100% Real fact. Michelin is a tire compagny and also a great restaurant and tourism guide

  9. The more serious example of "professional" plating is crap too. I don't want any frigging green crap contiminating my meat. If I order sauce with my meat, I want it on my meat. And what goes with the meat is a baked potato. I'm sure Ron Swanson would agree.

  10. I can explain this quicker. people spent decades formulating arbitrary guidelines and rules that mean nothing to anything other than it makes it harder to prepare the dish, gatekeeping other chefs from high tier positions unless they go through their incredibly expensive course to learn the "right way" to do it.


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